• Resolved jnikkir


    After updating, I could no longer log in to my dashboard. I could navigate to /wp-admin/ just fine and enter my login details, but no matter what, I was immediately redirected to my homepage, and was not logged in.

    In order to access my dashboard, I renamed the better-wp-security plugin folder via FTP, and now I can log in as normal. On my plugins page, it lists “iThemes Security”, but it’s deactivated.

    I’m just wondering how exactly to proceed. Should I delete better-wp-security via FTP, and reinstall “iThemes” from scratch? Are there any other options?


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  • Espa?ol
    Mismo problema. Esta gente (ithemes) sigue sin dar se?ales de vida.
    Solución. He de decir que me ha funcionado la solución de @davidebabylonia

    Same problem. These people (ithemes) still no sign of life.
    Solution. I have to say that the solution has worked for me @davidebabylonia

    [email protected]


    Thank you davidebabylonia, I can get back into my site again, you are fantastic! Thank you iThemes for absolutely nothing, you are not so fantastic.

    Para los espa?oles:
    La solución de @davidebabylonia funciona, pero si no entiendes inglés puedes tener un problema, así que te lo pongo fácil:
    1) Si habías cambiado de nombre el plugin de ‘iThemes’, restauralo a su nombre original. Si no lo habías tocado, olvida esto apartado.

    2) Por FTP (FileZilla, por ejemplo) entra en tu sitio y vete a: wp-content/uploads/ithemes-security

    3) Verás que existe un archivo llamado: itsec_away.confg el cual debes salvar (simplemente clic en ‘Descargar’ o lo arrastras a una carpeta de tu PC.

    4) Una vez que lo has salvado, procede a borrar dicho archivo en tu servidor (dejandolo guardado en tu PC ?eh?).

    5) Ahora no deberías tener problemas para entrar en tu Panel de administración. Si es así, abre el plugin iThemes (lo tienes en el menú de la izquierda de tu Panel)y verás que lo hace en la pesta?a ‘Dashboard’; baja hasta el apartado ‘Security Status’ y haz clic sobre la pesta?a ‘Completed’. Vete bajando hasta encontrar un apartado que empieza por la palabra ‘Away….’, y haz clic en la parte derecha del mismo, en el botón que pone ‘Edit’ y desactiva la casilla que verás activada. Pero ?OJO! no hagas clic sobre el botón de Salvar, todavía pues antes…

    6) Vete de nuevo por FTP (FileZilla) a tu servidor, y carga de nuevo en su sitio original el archivo itsec_away.confg que tienes guardado en tu PC.

    7) Ahora sí, de nuevo en tu BackEnd haz clic sobre el botón Salvar cambios (‘Save changes’) que habías dejado pendiente hace un momento.

    **Si has hecho todo bien, es muy posible que a partir de ahora ya no tengas esos problemas. Yo he probado a entrar y salir varias veces a mi BackEnd y todo va perfectamente ahora. Espero haberte ayudado.

    NOTA: Por cierto, un cero para la gente de iThemes, que se ha desentendido del problema que ellos han creado, y para ayudarte te remiten al servicio PRO (de pago), es decir, quieren hacer negocio. Es una pena que la avaricia lleve a estas situaciones… Pero tranquilos, que al final, los perjudicados vais a ser vosotros, que os estais creando una mala fama que os perseguirá, por ‘peseteros’ (como decimos en Espa?a).

    deleted the plug-in folder and back to normal

    worst plug in ever. smell you later

    Same here. Poor Q&A!

    but davidebabylonia’s solution worked for me as well.

    Same problem for me. I deleted the folder and it’s ok. Help

    Same problem. Will rename the folder and hopefully get back in.

    Yeah same problem here. I just deleted folder in plugins folder through cpanel. Then everything worked fine.

    Thanks davidebabylonia! Worked for me – got back into site.
    Thanks also to ithemes plugin guys – ok, an annoying bug but it’s still a free plugin and I’d be lost without it!

    Resolved :
    In France, This night we are passed from winter Time (UTC +1) to Summer Time (UTC +2). In my options I’d activate the AWAY mode.
    In the Table, I’ve deleted the itsec_away row. Now all is done !

    Had same problem, but thanks to davidebabylonia, I followed his suggestion and the problem seems to have been resolved. However, I’ll keep the away mode turned off till there is an update that fixes the problem.

    I decided to take a simple route regarding this 4.0.5 problem.
    The objective was to get Better WP Security into a “deactivated” state.

    What I did:

    1. Using an FTP client, I renamed /wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security to /wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security-old

    2. This allowed me to login into the WordPress admin interface.

    3. Once in the admin panel, going to “Plugins” will show that Better WP Security has been disabled due to an error.

    4. I returned to the FTP client to restore the /better-wp-security folder name.

    5. The current state is that the plugin will sit until I see that a version 4.0.6 or higher has been released to remedy the situation.

    I had the same problem and renamed the folder to badbetter-wp-security and then was able to logon with the wp-admin
    then I went and deleted the damn plugin

    Hope this does not screw me up. I am not any sort of a programer just a ordinary guy trying to have a basic blog and this is a big time waster.

    I am royally pissed at Ithemes for this ah…. upgrade

    Ithemes is totally silent. I will have a problem trusting them again their customer support is totally non existent on this issue.

    Holy crap, I nearly had a heart attack today with this error. One minute I was logged in and adding content, the next I was locked out after updating the WP Better Security plugin to version 4.0.5. WHOA!

    Thankfully, the solution presented by @the_target worked for me and I too am waiting for a new update before I re-activate this plugin.

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