• Hello friends, l am having this error, anyone know the reason ? thanks..

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxxxx/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/widgets2/widgets.php:2290) in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 275

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  • Just had the same error (on wp 2.2.1):

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/ininon/public_html/my-beauty-info/wp-content/plugins/beta12b-linking-plugin-v4.php:1) in /home/userb2/public_html/my-beauty-info/wp-login.php on line 12 (mbic)

    Removing the empty line behind the ?>tag did not fix it.

    Here’s what I did:

    1. Take the plugin that was causing an issue and open it in notepad
    2. Copy the entire contents (CTRL-A)
    3. Create a new .txt file and paste the entire contents (CTRL-V)
    4. Save and compare the file size with right-click file > properties

    Results: one file (the old one) was 72,800 bytes, while the new one was 72,796 – 4 bytes less.

    Maybe the programming software that the coder was using wrote a special char to the end of the file that conflicted with WordPress.

    It may also be that the wordpress charset settings conflict with the coder’s programming software or something like that.

    This fixed the issue, and I think you could fix most plugins like this!

    Resolving this “cannot modify header” issue also has another effect on wp2.2.1: it makes the post-new.php (write>write post) work correctly.

    Normally you would notice the “cannot modify header” error messages during login or logout (or just after activating a plugin maybe?), but another way to know that this is happening is when you would just get a blank page after writing a post and hitting publish.

    When you then fix the error the post-new.php works correctly and you just get the writing interface back instead of a blank page.

    Thread Starter rcpkrc


    l solved the problem on https://www.bigphp.net but l m having another problem on https://www.freewebsitedirectory.org
    l want to make costum paths for templates.
    There is costum temp paths comes with wp like
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/anypage.inc’); ?>
    but l want to change it like
    <?php include (ANYPATH . ‘/anypage.inc’); ?>
    l want to ask if its possible?

    [moved to new post in widget forum]

    Having the same problem, checked the listed above relevant wordpress page, tried the removing space at end fix, no go….

    Here’s what I get –

    The uploaded file could not be moved to /wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/09. Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /wordpress/wp-admin/admin-functions.php:1986) in /wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1346

    any help would be great, I’ve got the site all ready to go except for this, and would hate like hell to have to bail now…I’m sure there must be an answer….

    Great, this is really helping out….

    Yeh, tried all this, EXTENSIVELY…nothing changes in the least.

    Sadly, it appears I’ll have to go to another system, this is a dealbreaker in terms of my site for me.

    Any ideas on a system similar to wordpress?

    not that anyone’s reading this anyways….

    Ok, I fixed it, and would like to help anyone else out there who I can help…

    What fixed it was setting the chmod to 777 for the ENTIRE wp-content folder not just the uploads.

    Thanx for all the help!! It was awesome the way the community came out of the woodwork to help out!!

    Ran into his problem after editing wp-config.php. Sure enough: an extra carriage return. Thanks, guys.

    Sure, this extra blank space / carriage return is the cause of the error, most of the time.


    You also get the error for another reason : as soon as a plugin references a UTF-8 file (with the php “include”, for instance). The problem is solved as soon as you convert the faulty file (or all files, in case of doubt) to ANSI/ASCII.

    That explains the 4-byte question of anthb, earlier in this thread : if you open a UTF-8 file with UltraEditStudio (or any serious editor) and display the content in hexadecimal (CTRL+H in UEStudio), you’ll see that the UTF-8 version has an additionnal “FF FE” at the beginning of the file. This is what breaks the header chain.

    Unfortunately, converting from UTF-8 to ANSI was a very bad news for me, as I had to “utf8_encode” every piece of text having special chars in them.

    I hope this will help, I haven’t seen this info anywhere else on the Net and have spent an outrageous amount of time to track down this stupid error !

    <? ob_start(); // line 1
    session_start(); // line 2

    $bla . $bla $bla . $bla and so on……….


    Put these two things when your php coding starts (i.e. on like 1 and 2)

    Hope it’ll solve the problem.

    Davinder singh
    Artistic website creations

    Tengo el problema del error Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at bla bla bla desde un par de días atrás.

    Todo funcionaba muy bien, y de pronto… paf! He reinstalado cuantas versiones de WP tenía guardadas y ninguna funciona.

    ?Qué carajo? ?Me cambio a otro sistema? No quiero, porque me gusta mucho WordPress ??

    Hey, no te arrugues XD

    /* Short and sweet */
    define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);

    Con error_reporting(0); evitas que aparezcan los múltiples errores de programación de wordpress, personalmente he modificado manualmente mi blog caso por completo reparando muchas fallas exepto una que no he podido reparar en el blog de un amigo.

    Para evitar errores como una llamada header(); escribelo de la siguiente forma @header(); y así evitas problemas mientras se soluciona ya que no arrojará ningún error más pero eso no significa que no deje de funcionar mal XD. Si te fijas cuando hay un error de conección a la base de datos se hace un desmadre con errores XD asi por lo menos los evitas ya que en vista que el programador no tiene la costumbre de verificar estados y funciones antes de declararlas o ejecutarlas, cosas que con un simple if(… se solucionan.

    This happened to me as well. I have no posts, and the tag cloud was killing it. I disabled that widget, and it works now.

    Por favor ayúdeme, dice que cambiando header a @header(); se soluciona, pero en ?cuál archivo?. Tengo WordPress 2.3.1 y quiero instalar el 2.3; pero siempre recibo el mismo error no es problema de espacios ni de ‘return’:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at C:\Sites\Single24\xxxxx\webroot\xx\wp-config.php:1) in C:\Sites\Single24\xxxxx\webroot\xx\wp-admin\install.php on line 17

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