• Hi I was hoping you could help me with this problem. Thanks a lot!

    Visitors mentioned they cannot post comments as of this morning. They get this error message.
    ERROR: JavaScript and Cookies are required in order to post a comment.

    Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser. Then, please hit the back button on your browser, and try posting your comment again. (You may need to reload the page.)

    This has never happened before.

    So I logged in and found this error message:

    Error : Please fix your theme to make plugins work correctly. Go to the Theme Editor and insert the following string: <?php wp_head(); ?> Please enter it just before the following line of your header.php file: </head> Go to your theme editor: click here.

    but when I go in the file I can’t find the line </head>

    This is how the file currently looks like.

    * The Header for Customizr.
    * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div id=”main-wrapper”>
    * @package Customizr
    * @since Customizr 1.0
    if ( apply_filters( ‘czr_four_do’, false ) ) {
    do_action( ‘czr_four_template’, ‘header’ );
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!–[if IE 7]>
    <html class=”ie ie7 no-js” <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <!–[if IE 8]>
    <html class=”ie ie8 no-js” <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <!–[if !(IE 7) | !(IE 8) ]><!–>
    <html class=”no-js” <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    //the ‘__before_body’ hook is used by CZR_header_main::$instance->czr_fn_head_display()
    do_action( ‘__before_body’ );

    <body <?php body_class(); ?> <?php echo apply_filters(‘tc_body_attributes’ , ‘itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/WebPage”&#8216;) ?>>

    <?php do_action( ‘__before_page_wrapper’ ); ?>

    <div id=”tc-page-wrap” class=”<?php echo implode( ” “, apply_filters(‘tc_page_wrap_class’, array() ) ) ?>”>

    <?php do_action( ‘__before_header’ ); ?>

    <header class=”<?php echo implode( ” “, apply_filters(‘tc_header_classes’, array(‘tc-header’ ,’clearfix’, ‘row-fluid’) ) ) ?>” role=”banner”>
    // The ‘__header’ hook is used with the following callback functions (ordered by priorities) :
    //CZR_header_main::$instance->tc_logo_title_display(), CZR_header_main::$instance->czr_fn_tagline_display(), CZR_header_main::$instance->czr_fn_navbar_display()
    do_action( ‘__header’ );
    //This hook is used for the slider : CZR_slider::$instance->czr_fn_slider_display()
    do_action ( ‘__after_header’ )

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  • Hi,

    That error message is shown by one of your plugin that’s trying to search for wp_head hook in header.php

    Customizr theme’s wp_head is hooked into header.php from another file.
    It’s not in header.php

    It’s found in the following file.

    You can safely ignore that error message produced by your plugin.
    If you are not convinced, you can disable all plugins and you will see that error message gone.

    Your comment issue is most likely caused by a plugin conflict.
    You can use the following troubleshooting steps.

    1) If you are using a server cache or cache plugin, please clear it’s cache content and disable caching via it’s settings.

    2) Proceed to disable one plugin at a time, clear browser history and re-visit your comment form. Check if it’s working properly.

    Do this until you find the plugin that’s causing this issue, please replace with an alternative plugin.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter our familiarium


    I’ll try that. Thanks a lot Denzel!

    You are welcome.
    Thank you.

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