• I can successfully edit my wordpress site on my sibling’s macbook but on my windows I cannot see the editor (there’s just a blank white area there) and when I click screen options, nothing drops down so I cannot change he screen options. Any reason this does not work on my Windows laptop but works flawlessly on my sister’s macbook?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    First, please make sure that your browser is up to date by visiting https://whatbrowser.org/

    If it is not, please try updating your browser or switching to a different browser.

    If it is, please do these two things:

    1. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.

    2. Try with all browser extensions or add-ons temporarily disabled.

    Please let us know how each step goes for you, and which browser (and version of) you’re using if you’re still having trouble.

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