• WordPress (3.0.4) does not allow show deleted or added themes. It also does not allow me to make any changes to the existing themes. So if I add a new image as a header, or a new background, the old images continue to show. Where WP is getting these images I can not figure out. This sound like some type of caching issue. Trying different things, I deleted hyper-cache plug-in, but that was not it.

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  • Moderator t-p


    you may try:

    -deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to narrow down and possibly fix the problem. If the problem goes away, activate them individually to find the culprit.

    -switching to the default theme (“twentyten”) for a moment by renaming your current theme’s folder in wp-content/themes. The idea is to force WordPress to fall back to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific issue.

    Thread Starter supersnapp


    Thanks t-p,

    I tried disabling all plug ins, and the problem persists.

    As for changing the theme. I can switch themes, its just that all the themes don’t change. i have been using the same theme (Thesis) for a year and a half with no upgrades to the theme. I don’t think its the theme, as the issue effects even the themes I have implemented that are not Thesis.

    The mystery continues.

    Did you follow the instructions for removing the hyper cache?

    Thread Starter supersnapp


    I did not before, but I did after you recommended it. Unfortunately, that did not solve the issue. I too thought Hyper Cache was a likely suspect.

    Moderator t-p


    -You may try increasing memory available for php.

    Thread Starter supersnapp



    I tried that after you recommended it. However, it did not fix the issue.

    Moderator t-p


    -Since all the above troubleshooting steps did not resolve the issue, you may try downloading WordPress again and replacing your copies of everything EXCEPT the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory with fresh copies. This should replace your core files without changing your content and settings in wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory.


    Thread Starter supersnapp


    Hmmmm…I guess that should fix it. I will try that over the weekend when I have time to invest in it. I will report back here what happened. Thanks.

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