Hi Zaw,
Well straight ‘out of the box’ Help Notes will get you most of what you are asking for all apart from A user should have no control over the page
for this you need to change the Help Notes default user capabilities.
OK so your first question…
If I have multiple user roles and I want to assign each user a separate role, would it be possible to have a separate private page for each user type? That means, one private page for our user role ( I have more than one user role).
Yes, this is what Help Notes does, however, it doesn’t have a way to limit the number of Help Note Posts. You can only ever create one Note per role but there isn’t anything to stop more from getting created.
to your need …
A user should have no control over the page. Everything will be done from admin side.
By default users of a Help Note/Role will all be able to create/edit/delete the Note(s). To limit this to only a few users or leave to only the Administrator role then you need to edit the default capabilities that Help Notes adds to a role when enabled. The Plugin will not change your manual changes to role capabilities, however, if you disable a Help Note for a particular role the capabilities are cleaned up from the role and if re-enabled then you are back to the default capabilities where everyone can create/edit/delete the Note(s).
second question…
Also, when a user clicks the general link, he will be automatically taken to his own private page depending on his user role. Would it all be possible with this plugin?
Well for this the plugin has the ‘Content Page’ functionality (ref general settings). This will create a landing page for everyone’s Help Notes so you can just link to there. The contents page works because only available Notes get listed and this depends on the roles assigned to the user currently logged in. If you want to see/experience the way it looks for different users I suggest you try the very useful plugin user switching by John Blackbourn.