• Hi,

    I have the below form defined.

    I want the user to have to enter either a location-select value or a location-typed value. If they don’t, an error should display under the location-typed field.

    I want the user to have to enter either a work-select value or a work-typed value. If they don’t, an error should display under the work-typed field.

    I want the user to have to select a file attachment. If they don’t, an error should display under the “no file chosen” message which is under the Choose File button.

    Then, if any of those 3 error conditions have occurred, the form submission should prevented.

    I have been trying every code option I can find for 2 days and via 4 AI chatbots…but none work. The command event.preventDefault() is not preventing submission.

    I even simplified it to just check for the 2 location fields and though the message displayed, the form still submitted.

    Here is the Javacript for that simplified test:

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    document.addEventListener('wpcf7beforesubmit', (event) => {
    const form = event.target;
    const locationSelect = form.querySelector('[name="location-select"]');
    const locationTyped = form.querySelector('[name="location-typed"]');
    const workSelect = form.querySelector('[name="work-select"]');
    const workTyped = form.querySelector('[name="work-typed"]');

    if (!locationSelect.value && !locationTyped.value.trim()) {

    // Create and display error message
    const errorMessage = document.createElement('p');
    errorMessage.textContent = 'Please select or type a location.';

    // Remove any existing error messages
    form.querySelectorAll('.location-error').forEach(el => el.remove());

    // Add error message after both fields
    locationTyped.parentNode.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', errorMessage);

    // Highlight fields

    // Scroll to the error message
    errorMessage.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' });

    return false;
    }, false);

    Here is the form definition:

    Select Location:

    [select location-select "" "Miami" "Orlando" "Tampa" "Jacksonville"]

    Or Type Location:

    [text location-typed]

    Select Work Done:

    [select work-select "" "Bathroom Remodel" "Kitchen Remodel" "Roof Repair" "Painting" "Flooring"]

    Or Type Work Done:

    [textarea work-typed rows:4]

    Upload Picture or Video (25 MB Max):Choose File

    No file chosen

    [file upload-file filetypes:.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif|.mp4|.mov|.avi limit:25mb class:cf7-upload-input]

    [submit "Submit"]

    Thank you for any help!

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  • Thread Starter flatword


    Here is the most recent code that correctly displays an error for the appropriate field group, but does not prevent the submission of the form.

    JS for the validation:

    // Add the CSS
    const styleSheet = document.createElement('style');
    styleSheet.textContent =
    <br>.field-group-error {<br> color: #ff0000;<br> font-size: 14px;<br> font-weight: bold;<br> margin: 5px 0;<br> padding: 5px;<br> display: none;<br>}<br><br>.field-group {<br> position: relative;<br>}<br><br>.field-group.has-error {<br> border-color: #ff0000 !important;<br>}<br>;

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // Add error message elements at the start of each field group
    $('.field-group').each(function() {
    $(this).prepend('<div class="field-group-error"></div>');

    // Function to validate a group (location or work)
    function validateGroup(selectField, textField) {
    return selectField.val().trim() !== '' || textField.val().trim() !== '';

    // Function to display error for a group
    function showError(group, message) {

    // Function to clear error for a group
    function clearError(group) {

    // Function to perform validation
    function validateForm() {
    let isValid = true;
    const form = $('.wpcf7-form');

    // Validate location group
    const locationGroup = form.find('[name="location-select"]').closest('.field-group');
    if (!validateGroup(
    )) {
    showError(locationGroup, 'Select or enter a location!');
    isValid = false;
    } else {

    // Validate work group
    const workGroup = form.find('[name="work-select"]').closest('.field-group');
    if (!validateGroup(
    )) {
    showError(workGroup, 'Select or enter a work description!');
    isValid = false;
    } else {

    // Validate file upload
    const uploadGroup = form.find('[name="upload-file"]').closest('.field-group');
    if (!uploadGroup.find('[name="upload-file"]')[0].files.length) {
    showError(uploadGroup, 'Select a file to upload!');
    isValid = false;
    } else {

    // Clear all errors before returning the validation result
    if (isValid) {

    return isValid;

    // Add validation to the form submission
    $(document).on('submit', '.wpcf7-form', function(e) {
    if (!validateForm()) {

    // Real-time validation on change
    // $('.wpcf7-form').on('change', 'select, textarea, input[type="file"]', function() {
    // validateForm();
    // });

    And here is the form definition:


    <div class="field-group">
    <label for="location-select">Select Location:</label>
    [select location-select "" "Miami" "Orlando" "Tampa" "Jacksonville"]
    <label for="location-typed">Or Type Location:</label>
    [textarea location-typed rows:4]

    <div class="field-group">
    <label for="work-select">Select Work Done:</label>
    [select work-select "" "Bathroom Remodel" "Kitchen Remodel" "Roof Repair" "Painting" "Flooring"]
    <label for="work-typed">Or Type Work Done:</label>
    [textarea work-typed rows:4]

    <div class="field-group">
    <label>Upload Picture or Video (25 MB Max):</label>
    <div class="custom-upload-wrapper">
    <button type="button" class="custom-upload-button">Choose File</button>
    <span class="selected-file-name">No file chosen</span>
    [file upload-file filetypes:.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif|.mp4|.mov|.avi limit:25mb class:cf7-upload-input]

    [submit "Submit"]

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