• get the following error and i set permissions on my image directory to 777

    double checked the path too..

    It doesn’t look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (/opt2/home3/bestonlinetrades/public_html/wp-content/images ) doesn’t appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.


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  • This error usually happen when WP and you are looking at different folders.

    Try making a different folder and chmoding that one.

    Thread Starter thomascarreno


    ok thanks fixed it..

    all i did was add an extra backslash / after the word images in the admin setup section (options/miscellaneous)

    i’m still a little cunfused on how to fix this

    Moderator James Huff


    He changed
    /opt2/home3/bestonlinetrades/public_html/wp-content/images/ (notice the new trailing slash).

    thanks it didn’t work for me…

    Moderator James Huff


    Did you set the permissions for the image directory to 777?


    I’m new with WordPress and I have the same problem as the one above. I’m setting the Destination Directory:
    and the URL:
    getting the following error message:

    It doesn’t look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (/var/www/html/wp-images/wp-southbites/) doesn’t appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.

    You mention something about changing the permissions for the image directory to 777. What do you mean and where/how can I change it?

    Thanks a lot for your help. It’s very much appreciated

    In regards to changing the permissions . . . the most common way this is done is with your ftp program.



    Hope that helps

    Nanuf do you have a control panel with your webhost? If you go into your file manager in your control panel there will be a link called “CHMOD” that will allow you to change each file’s/directory’s permissions. Just click on your “wp-southbites” and your “wp-images” directorys and it should have the option to CHMOD those directories.

    When the upload feature in your blog doesn’t allow you to upload it is because those directories are not allowing wordpress to upload files to them. You have to give wordpress permission by changing the permissions to a higher number such as 777.

    If your control panel does not have a way for you to CHMOD or change permissions then ftp clients will. I use cpanel and they do allow you CHMOD. If you rather use ftp, then all you have to do is right click on the directory and go down to “CHMOD” and change the permissions there.

    I have a similar problem. After I did CHMOD 777 on the wp-content directory I can upload files OK with WP.

    But if I try with Photopress I get the “it doesn’t look like”- error message, regardless of CHMOD setting on the photos folder, and whether or not I use a trailing slash in wp-admin/options-general.php?page=photopress.php (photos, photos/)

    Any ideas? Thankful for all help.

    I actually figured out what went wrong:

    WordPress was in the directory:
    httpdocs/wordpress/ so I created

    but Photopress was looking for

    I’d consider this a bug, as there is no way you can change settings in the admin panel to make it look elsewhere – you have to start messing with code…

    Easily solved though, when I install wordpress directly under httpdocs. Hope this might be helpful to someone.


    Daer WP friends

    I wish to ask for your help. Just installed WP 2.0 and when I try to upload an image it says:

    “Unable to create directory /home3/www/interlabs/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006. Is /home3/www/interlabs/blog/wp-content/uploads writable?
    Back to Image Uploading”

    I hage created this diretory “blog/wp-content/uploads/2006” in all of the prmissions to write are open.
    “/home3/www/interlabs/” has been genarated by WP 2.0 , I dont know why. “interlabs” is part of the url.

    Do you know why I cant upload files ? How can I solve it?

    1. You don’t really have to create those folders – just make wp-content writable and WP will create the directories.

    2. /home3/www/interlabs/blog/wp-content/uploads is NOT an URL, is the internal server path to your folder.

    Thanks Moshu,
    I didn’t try to create directories but WP does not create them neither. I dont know why.
    In fact the ftp directory is:

    Quite simmilar to the WP is looking for or trying to generate
    But it does not
    I know that this directories a writeble

    But there is no /home3/

    Could change something in the code to make WP upload in certain directory? My be in a particular option or the inline-upoading.php?


    1. Don’t bother about URI and paths (better to say: google and learn about the differences!)
    2. wp-content has to be writable for WP to be able to create directories under it.

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