• Resolved Secret Agency


    First of all, thanks for this plugin. Great idea.

    Unfortunately it is not working properly for me yet. When I try to look at the files committed I don’t see any files. In debug mode I get a warning

    Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘Revisr’ does not have a method ‘committed_files’ in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 470

    I am testing revisr in a standard vccw provisioned vagrant vm so the guest setup is:
    CentOS 6.5.x
    PHP 5.4.x
    MySQL 5.5.x
    Apache 2.2.x *WP-CLI

    A couple of other thoughts on the UI:

    1. With Revisr it seems one goes straight from untracked files to commits – skipping the normal git “add”. Not sure if this is a problem or not, but if you are used to using add in git then it seems odd to skip that step. On the other hand, maybe this takes out an unnecessary impediment. Time will tell.

    2. It would be more intuitive if you replaced the standard WordPress “publish” button with something more relevant like “commit.” This seems small but it would be very helpful to avoid confusion about what will happen when you push the button.



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  • Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    Thanks for trying out Revisr and for posting such a detailed report.

    We’ve tested on several machines and have not been able to replicate. Are you seeing the issue consistently? Do the pending files work?

    Noted on your feedback regarding UI. This is something we will be continuing to improve over the coming months as more people sound off on it.

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter Secret Agency


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    The pending files show up no problem. (For UI purposes I suggest following the GIT naming convention and calling them “Untracked Files” instead so that there is no confusion with “Pending” posts and pages.)

    The committed files consistently show the warning instead of the files.

    This time I tried to revert the files which resulted in a blank white screen.

    I also tested reverting the database which did not seem to do anything. I had created a test post and turned off a plugin, both of which remained in the same state when I reverted the db.

    But all of this may be an issue with my vm environment or WordPress installation. Admittedly using Vagrant with it’s vm/host file syncing is not ideal. One indication that the environment or WordPress install is to blame is that I get warnings that WordPress cannot connect to www.ads-software.com securely when I first open the admin screen after vagranting up.

    So, I will try further testing on a hosted install of WordPress and will keep you posted.

    Keep up the good work!

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts



    Just pushed out an update that should address the errors above. Also updated “Pending Files” to “Untracked Files” as per your suggestion.

    Please check and let me know if you run into any further issues. Thank you.

    Thread Starter Secret Agency


    Nice! I can see the committed files now. Since the title of this thread is “Cannot view files” I am marking this thread resolved.

    Thanks so much for the quick response time. I can see this is on track to becoming a viable plugin- hopefully one you should be able to charge money for once the kinks are worked out.

    I still could not revert files nor the database (got the white screen again) but that is another issue and should probably be tracked as a separate issue.

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    Does anything show up in your error logs regarding the white screen issue? I’ve tested in multiple environments and have not been able to replicate, but would like to get this fixed for you.

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