• I loaded new wordpress website files to new host.
    The site loaded but the url was wrong on all pages bar the home page https://www.avielochancottages.co.uk

    All other pages came up with the development url i was using on bluehost.

    I changed the url under settings, permalinks and then the site didn’t work apart from the home page and I now cannot log in to the dashboard either.

    I have tried changing the name of the plugin directory and the theme directory.

    I added this code to the wp-config file so now the url is correct on all pages but all pages bar the home page are returning a 500 internal server error.

    I renamed the ht access code but that didnt work.

    I am very new to this and I apologise for my ignorance.
    I would really appreciate if someone could help me please to get the site running and log in?
    Thank you ??

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