• ChapDaddy65


    I am having issues visiting my sub-domain sites (e.g. site.website.com). Everything went fine during installation of MS, but after I created my sub-domain sites I visited them and Google Chrome says they don’t exsist? I cant even get access the their dashboards, except for my main site. I do have “mod_rewrite” enabled and I have the Wildcard sub-domain (e.g. *.website.com) in my DNS records that are pointing to my website’s IP address, but I dont know what else to check. What could be the problem?

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    yes, * does point to /public_html, and nothing gets created, i checked via cPanel and Filezilla FTP.

    That’s as it should be ?? Good. We did that right!

    See I have a VPS server with one main domain that manages all my other domains, and this domain im working on is a managed domain, not the main domain. I think that might be the problem. I believe the mod_rewrite file only affects my main domain and nothing else. and JaguarPC couldnt answer that for me.

    I have that too. (ipstenu.org has 6 other domains on it). Are these other domains separate accounts?

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    Are these other domains separate accounts?

    yes, each domain i have has it’s own seperate cPanel and folder, they only share one thing, their IP address, every domain I have on my VPS server shares the same IP address.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    (Pali, stick to your own topic, please, you make it HARDER to help people if you’re not on the exact same server.)

    ChapDaddy65, Then you should be fine.

    I have been told twice now that adding the sub-domain in the DNS records is the proper way ALONG with adding it via “Add a Subdomain” in cPanel. so apparently their is no proper tutorial on how to correctly install MS.

    The ‘create a network’ page is limited to general advice on that matter because, alas, every server’s a special snowflake (no two are 100% the same).

    If your DNS is set up ‘normally’, anything.domain.com goes to your IP address, and the DNS on that server says ‘Oh, that’s all domain.com!’ and it’s happy. Then cPanel says ‘anything? That’s pointed at domain.com’s public_html!’ where WordPress takes the puck and scores like Gretzky.

    So it’s complicated and a lot of steps that, when it works, works great.

    What happens if you manually make subdomains and point them to the public_html location? That is NOT use wildcards?

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    What happens if you manually make subdomains and point them to the public_html location? That is NOT use wildcards?

    if i add new.domain.com through the subdomain page it creates a folder based upon that new subdomain name (e.g. new.domain.com gets pointed to /public_html/new)

    now I’m not sure why this happens, but when I added the wildcard subdomain through the subdomain page, every css styling (from cPanel to WP) went away and only the framework was showing. and in order to remove the wildcard i had to relogin to every cPanel page, and then after 2 minutes with the subdomain gone, it all went back to normal.

    Since I still havent uploaded any important content on my site yet, here’s what im going to do:

    1] Wipe and re-install WP
    2] Add every subdomain via cPanel [folder direction; point all subdomains to public_html or their own seperate folders?]
    3] install MS with the sub-domain method again (e.g. new.domain.com)
    4] add all the new sites

    I am taking a complete shot in the dark, so I am assuming that something is going to go wrong with this plan, so what should I do instead?

    Also I won’t wipe WP until someone replies in case their’s a easier way to fix this…

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    im not talking to anyone directly, but it’s been 4 hours, I’m going to go ahead with the plan made out above.

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    …table prefix for during installation!

    I had originally changed my table prefix to wp1_. could that have been a problem?

    Also I just installed a clean WP and for some reason the CSS isn’t loading. I am viewing in chrome and the inspect element console gave me 6 502 bad gateway errors.

    “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway)”

    why would this happen on a clean install? I completely removed the old database and user and created a new one, so everything is new…

    Any thoughts at all?


    I completely forgot about one crucial process that is in the way; CloudFlare. My nameservers and DNS records are all pointed and managed through CloudFlare. I’m going to disable it and see what happens.

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    okay, so CloudFlare is disabled and i changed my nameservers, so now i think i might be okay for now. ill check back when something goes wrong…cause i know something will


    I have successfully installed MS, I just added one subdomain site and now it gives me a 404 error when i visit the new subdomain site. so does that mean i just have to wait for WP to propagate over?

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    I am really close to fixing my MS install; I first tried adding the wildcard subdomain in the DNS records, didn’t work. So i deleted the new subdomain site and the DNS record and added the wildcard via the subdomains page in cPanel, then i went back and created the new subdomain site again and it worked!….almost.

    I can view the dashboard but I cant visit the site itself (the frontend). now is this the time where I’m supposed to wait for a hour to let everything propagate over?

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    I did a little test, and its good and bad, I made all my 6 sub-domains and all of them except one was immediately created. i keep getting sent to “sub.domain.com/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi” when i visit the frontend. I have deleted and re-created this specific sub-domain site twice and get the same results.

    Any fixes?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    DUDE. Look at how many posts you made.

    I get that this is a big thing for you and you need it fixed, but that sort of behavior on a volunteer forum is actually making it harder for anyone to help you in their spare time. Now we have to read all the posts, sort out what you did and didn’t do, and come up with ideas. And? If you keep posting, then we can’t keep up.

    If you need ASAP help, you need to hire someone. Otherwise you need to slow down the posting and be patient. The volunteers here have real lives. Families. Jobs. Etc.

    if i add new.domain.com through the subdomain page it creates a folder based upon that new subdomain name (e.g. new.domain.com gets pointed to /public_html/new)

    Yes, and I specially asked what happens if you point that new sudomain to just /public_html/

    If you don’t have a way to change that, you need to tell us. By default, new subdomains point to their own folders. That’s how subdomains work. I’m asking you to alter default behavior and edit the location before you hit ‘create subdomain’ or whatever the button is for you ??

    Of course now you’ve gone and done a whole lot more that you may not have needed do to, so I’m going to skip all of it and hope this is your only, lingering problem.

    i keep getting sent to “sub.domain.com/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi” when i visit the frontend.

    That means it’s getting your server’s default subdomain page. Doublecheck where it’s pointing to in your subdomain config. public_html?

    Thread Starter ChapDaddy65


    I’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to overload with posts, I was getting just a little bit anxious and a little bit angry at WP. I’m still learning and getting to know what all I’m dealing with and will definitely tone it down on this forum.

    That means it’s getting your server’s default subdomain page. Doublecheck where it’s pointing to in your subdomain config. public_html?

    I checked and it was pointed at Public_html, the problem was in WP on the info tab of new.domain.com. the attribute had been unchecked, so i checked public and it went live. Problem solved.

    Thank you for all your help and from now on I will definitely do alot more solo troubleshooting before posting. ??

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