Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)
  • Hi,

    If you’ve forgotten your Hide Backend URL you can find the new slug via FTP in your .htaccess file. You may have to adjust your FTP client to show hidden files. Look for the for the code block that resembles the one below. Notice “wplogin”, this will be your new login URL.

    # BEGIN Hide Backend

    # Rules to hide the dashboard

    RewriteRule ^/site/wplogin/?$ /wp-login.php [QSA,L]

    # END Hide Backend



    Thread Starter wolverinejoe80



    but i just don’t see #Hide Backend…

    i tried /fusco-admin and /usco-login, but didn’t work…

    here is the code. any ideas?

    # BEGIN Better WP Security
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    rewriterule .* "/wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/%{HTTP_HOST}/%{REQUEST_URI}/_index.html%{ENV:W3TC_ENC}" [L]
    rewriterule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    rewritecond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    rewritecond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    rewriterule . /index.php [L]


    This looks like it’s a very out of date version. Could you try manually updating to the most current version (v4.2.15) and let me know if that helps? Since you’re updating from such an old version it’s going to reset your log in slug to the defaults.

    Please let me know how it goes!



    Thread Starter wolverinejoe80


    i just updated to the latest. but it doesn’t help…


    Could you share the contents of your up to date .htaccess and we’ll take another look?



    Thread Starter wolverinejoe80


    hm… just looked at it, but it looks like .htaccess remains the same?

    can i pm you and send you my ftp info?


    I’m looking into further and I’ve contacted the developer to see what the issue may be. Could you please file a bug report? Please include a link to this post and the contents pf the .htaccess as well.



    Thread Starter wolverinejoe80


    thx. just reported the bug

    I did everything written above and still can’t access my login URL.
    Please keep us updated.
    Also reported a bug.



    Same problem here. Unable to access wp-login.php unless I disable iThemes Security in CPanel.
    It was working fine 2 days ago.
    ALSO reported the bug.

    wrdprsng2014 hi,
    How can i dissable the plugin from cpanel?

    Go to your C-Panel then – public_html > wp-content > plugins > change the name of “better-wp-security” folder to “better-wp-securityXX” > click Save.

    You should now be able to access your wp-login.php. The plugin will be disabled but at least you can work on your files.

    After I logged out of my admin I changed the folder back to “better-wp-security” in C-Panel. Then for the hell of it I ran CC-Cleaner on my laptop and I was able to log back into my admin at wp-login.php. (I don’t know if running CC_Cleaner helped or not.)

    I then re-activated iThemes Security. (It will stay deactivated even if you change the folder “better-wp-security” back to it’s original name). Then I upgraded from Version 4.1.5 to the most recent version Version 4.2.15. Everything seems fine for now.

    Good Luck!

    wrdprsng2014 thanks!!!

    I’m back to the same problem. I can’t access my wp-login.php unless I disable the plugin from cpanel. Getting a white screen again.

    You would think iThemes Security would have fixed this by now. I’m going to remove their plugin and find another. This is bs.

    I don’t think running CC Cleaner is any help. I just tried the steps that worked yesterday and still can’t access the wp-login page.

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