• Hello,

    I am using this plugin for 2 or 3 months. At the begining I was able to add news in my language (Bulgarian). But not anymore. Today I tried many times to add news – when all the fields of “Add new” were in english there was no problem. But even if I added a word in Bulgarian in the title or the body of new news the result was no new item(news). There was a green message “New news added successfully.” every time but with bulgarian letters – no actual news.

    So could you help me with my problem, please ? I really like your plugin.


Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author Nks


    Thread Starter Nikolay Boyadzhiev


    Hello Nks,

    1. Thanks for the link but I can’t complete this step:

    Please goto settings–>Reading and check Encoding for pages and feeds
    It must be UTF-8

    because I can’t see such option in WP 4.3.

    2. I am not sure where to put <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ /> in my theme’s header.php . Will this file change if I update the theme? If it won’t here is header.php:

     * The Header for Customizr.
     * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div id="main-wrapper">
     * @package Customizr
     * @since Customizr 1.0
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--[if IE 7]>
    <html class="ie ie7" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <!--[if IE 8]>
    <html class="ie ie8" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <!--[if !(IE 7) | !(IE 8)  ]><!-->
    <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    		//the '__before_body' hook is used by TC_header_main::$instance->tc_head_display()
    		do_action( '__before_body' );
    	<body <?php body_class(); ?> <?php echo apply_filters('tc_body_attributes' , 'itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/WebPage"') ?>>
        <?php do_action( '__before_page_wrapper' ); ?>
        <div id="tc-page-wrap" class="<?php echo implode( " ", apply_filters('tc_page_wrap_class', array() ) ) ?>">
      		<?php do_action( '__before_header' ); ?>
      	   	<header class="<?php echo implode( " ", apply_filters('tc_header_classes', array('tc-header' ,'clearfix', 'row-fluid') ) ) ?>" role="banner">
      				// The '__header' hook is used with the following callback functions (ordered by priorities) :
      				//TC_header_main::$instance->tc_logo_title_display(), TC_header_main::$instance->tc_tagline_display(), TC_header_main::$instance->tc_navbar_display()
      				do_action( '__header' );
      		 	//This hook is used for the slider : TC_slider::$instance->tc_slider_display()
      			do_action ( '__after_header' )

    3. The other options look more advances (I am a beginner) and I may not need to use them if the first and second options work. I mean if you or someone else help me. So please do.


    Plugin Author Nks



    you should post your url here so that I can check it.Is news inserted ? Is it is just display problem(I mean language)


    Thread Starter Nikolay Boyadzhiev


    You can see the news widget in this page of my website:

    I tried to add some news in Bulgarian, English, Greek, Albanian and Jewish. Only news in English and Albanian appeared.


    Plugin Author Nks


    Hello Character set is ok.

    I think you need to check the table.

    mysql table collation utf8

    Thread Starter Nikolay Boyadzhiev



    Could you give me more detailed instructions on what to check and how to check it please? Or maybe a link with explanation for beginners?


    Plugin Author Nks



    You can check it from phpmyadmin.

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