• Resolved wolfsnap


    I’ve upgraded to the latest plugin version, created the consumer key on twitter’s site, but, when I try to ‘authorize twitter account’ — absolutely nothing happens.

    I’ve authorized the app on twitter, it shows as an app in my dashboard, and on the user account, etc.. But, I can’t make it see that in the WP plugin.



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  • CB-Denv


    I did switch to another plug-in and it worked immediately. So it’s apparently not a WordPress or Twitter issue, if that helps.



    The update broke for me, too. Consumer key and secret are fine, then I click authorize new account, it goes to Twitter, authorize, returning to site at /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=twitterWidgetPro&action=authorized&nonce=849b4de51106f7c4c216f46f4e0e8922&oauth_token=eCgagFNZkzs10bMJBMFTir4jrjLLiL6xOkBH7gmrY&oauth_verifier=l0qwTwcatddB6Qmnc6LPPfUDMwF8p10uPrO1ki78 and I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthUtil in /home/user/domain/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/simple-twitter-connect/OAuth.php on line 642



    For me the solution was mentioned in an earlier post:
    When preparing the application through twitter dev website:
    you need to set your own domain as the Callback url.
    After I did this, authorization went fine.



    BOO-YA!!! Thanks, BHRW!

    I actually already had my domain set as callback in the Twitter app setup, but I didn’t have a www. in front of it and that causes bad things to happen sometimes in my particular setup. After disabling Simple Twitter Connect to troubleshoot and making that small change, my Twitter Widget Pro is now working again. Yay!



    I have set own domain cannot authorise filled in all the keys need twitter feed



    Ok, let’s see:

    – I’m developing on localhost. And it is NOT working on localhost.
    – I’ve created the APP on tweeter, wrote the real .org domains on fields, even callback URL, and saved everything.
    – Then I’ve authorized app on same twitter details page, and everything show fine now.

    View post on imgur.com

    – Then authorized localhost on @anywhere domains like this:

    View post on imgur.com

    as twitter doesn’t like “localhost”.

    So everything is fine, isn’t it?

    – So everything OK on WP, on plugin settings page, but still having to authorize the app there, so when I press the button, I got this:

    View post on imgur.com

    Is this because localhost?

    Don’t know what to do… ??



    Yep, had the same problem after I’d added in my consumer key and secret where clicking the ‘authorize account’ link didn’t do anything. Adding my URL into the Callback URL box fixed it like a jiffy!

    Thanks BHRW for the fix and thanks Aaron for the update and (free for goodness sake!!) support ??

    Donation for a beer heading over to you now..

    Plugin Author Aaron D. Campbell


    pixeldawg: If you could start a new thread (just copy your comment from above) I’d be happy to look into the conflict with Simple Twitter Connect.

    For everyone else: you definitely have to set the callback URL. The directions say:

    Fill in Name, Description, Website, and Callback URL (don’t leave any blank) with anything you want

    Is there a way I could word that better to make it more clear? Twitter Widget Pro doesn’t actually use the callback field (which is why it can be anything), but Twitter treats the application differently if it’s filled in so we need it filled in.

    If your problem persists after setting the callback to your site URL (that seems most logical), please start a new support thread.



    Problem solved by setting the callback url.

    However, I had to reset my consumer key and consumer secret with the “Reset Key” function on dev.twitter.com and re-enter the new ones in WP for it to work.

    [email protected]


    This forum has been very useful in helping to resolve this problem. Thanks to everyone who posted and thanks to Aaron for developing the plug in and making it available to us,




    I have a conflict with Tweet Blender.

    With Tweet Blender active I get this message: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthUtil in /home/content/**/****/html/****/wp-content/plugins/twitter-widget-pro/lib/oauth-util.php on line 2

    When I deactivate Tweet Blender your plugin works so there must be a conflict with these two plugins.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    Ok found the issue…

    If you set even a bogus callback. Then go to your site and click authorize (make sure you are logged into twitter) It will prompt you to authorize the application on your site. Then it should populate. Seems to be something with the twitter callback to the application.

    Hope that helps everyone!



    Looks like it was fixed. Thanks Aaron for being so quick with the update! Much appreciated.



    I had the same problem of disappearing widget after completing authorisation. The problem was that the account name had not been updated on the widget’s settings or indeed in the Twitter Widget Pro section of Settings. Changing that and everything worked perfectly.

    Hope that also helps!



    I have an issue where I click on button to authorize account, I am redirected to the Twitter Authorization page, I click to authorize, and then get redirected back to the WordPress login page. So I log in, but I haven;’t been authorized. I’ve made several attempts.

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