• I used to be able to change my site title/logo (the picture shown for the header of my site), however, for quite some time now I’ve been having problems uploading a new one.

    I go into Mystique Settings, Design, and Site Title (logo), just like I did previously. I click change image, and I am able to find the correct new picture to upload. Once I choose new one, it shows the new image under site title (logo), however, once I hit save it reverts back to the old one.

    I’ve tried changing permissions on my hosting site, editing the css sheet, etc, but nothing seems to work. It’s driving me crazy, so I’d love some help from anyone willing to help me. Thanks!

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  • I have exactly the same problem.
    It’s even worse, when I add a new one the preview looks ok, but after saving the old image is active again and the sidebasrs are gone!
    Content from the sidebar appears at the bottom of the page.

    WordPress version 3.7.1
    Theme version 3.3.2

    Thread Starter fun2race


    Yes, this is so frustrating! I wonder if we are ever going to get any help from support on this?

    Neither one of you has posted a link to a site – which would increase the likelihood of someone being able to help.

    Also, there are various versions of this theme from various places, the one on this site has not been updated in quite some time:


    Thread Starter fun2race


    Sorry, here is the link to my site: https://www.crystalfun2race.com

    Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    @seerdekens, Please try not to post on people’s threads to discuss your own issue, especially when threads have no replies. Threads with no replies are monitored on “the no replies list”. Some volunteers prioritise threads with no replies over other threads. When you posted you removed this thread from that list, which did decrease its visibility.

    Do you know where you downloaded that theme from? Yours seems to indicate version 3.0 and is missing other typical info in the style.css file – but this theme from this site shows 2.5.7 as the most recent.

    Did you move from WP.COM at some point?

    Thread Starter fun2race


    Yes, I did move from wp.com at one point. I downloaded the theme right from inside wordpress early on and have stayed with this theme ever since. I was always able to change this image (site title/logo) without a problem, until a couple months ago now. I’ve tried completely deleting the theme and reinstalling it, yet I still have the same problem (and have to redo all my widgets, etc). Thanks for your quick responses!

    It looks like the last version on this site (which is the only version officially supported on these forums) is 2.5.7 – which is a year and an half old – so quite likely could have problems. But you’re not actually using that version. Your style.css file shows this – which is not too helpful :(:

    Style Name: Blue
    Color: #206ba4
    Description: Blue color scheme
    Author: digitalnature
    Version: 3.0

    Looks like it may have been modified or ??

    Looks like there is a more updated version of the theme available here:


    And then to add even more confusion, there is a WordPress.COM version here:


    BTW, make sure you backup your entire site and database before updating anything :)!

    Hi all,

    just wanted to say how I solved exactly the same problem:

    1. To fix the widget sidebar on the bottom problem: If you already uploaded the new logo using Appearance-> Mystique settings and after clicking on save the old logo reappeared and your sidebar with widgets moved to the bottom, then just go again to Mystique settings and click on “Remove” under the header image. This will fix the sidebar problem and return it back on the side. You might need to select again the Layout Style (Global).

    Don’t be afraid, your old logo will still be there. I believe somehow the new logo is still uploaded although not visible, which messes with the widths and so the sidebar.

    2. To change the logo image, this worked for me:
    Find where is your logo located. You can right click on the logo of your blog and select “copy link location”. If you paste it anywhere in the text editor, it shall look like this (I have mystique-child theme)


    Go to your cpanel and via ftp go into the directory where your logo image is stored.
    Delete this image.
    Give the very same file name to the new logo image (MyLogoImage.png)
    Upload it to the directory where the old logo was.

    Now – to see instantly all the changes, I recommend to install plugin “Clear Cache For Me” and on the Dashboard just after you made your changes, click on the “Clear Cache Now!” button.

    Then simply reload your blog in the browser and enjoy.

    Hope this helps!

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