• Hi there,

    I hope that somebody can help me. I am using the template “half baked” for my new blog. I am changing the layout a little with colours and also i like to change the layout a little bit.

    In the middle of the page there is a contact button and i like to remove this. But i cannot find it in the php. I try to find it in home.php and header.php because it is part of the header.

    Can somebody please help me with this problem?

    my webpage is https://www.woningside.nl



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  • Greetings Bareld,

    Hope I can help because I know how it is for you. I’ve been there! First,

    1). If your website has a drop n drag layout, then you may be able to highlight the contact image and right click, then delete it in the edit section, or hit delete on your keyboard, after highlighting the image.

    2). Next you may be able to open (edit) your template, by clicking on edit. Find the word ‘Contact’ by following a few small steps:

    a). Go to Your Main Website Page while being logged in.
    b). Top left- above address bar, Click on ‘Edit’, then ‘Find’.
    c). At the bottom left, look for ‘Find and a Search Box’
    d). Type in Contact, and it will show you where it is on the page.
    e). Last…Use the mouse arrow or highlight the word ‘Contact’ then hit delete,
    f). Right click (highlight) the word Contact’, then next left click delete from the popup menu. SAVE & REFRESH Page. It should be gone. I think You get my drift ^-^
    It’s really quite simple. You can do it! ??
    This is just my 2 cents… Hope it works for you though. Good Luck!

    Best Regards

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