• Resolved alexkappel



    When I first set this up and synced the API and list I couldn’t choose any product category when using triggers. Now I can’t see any products in the select box either. Is this part still Beta or should it work?

    Please review the code or contact me for login to our stage and Mailchimp account to see what we’re doing wrong.

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  • mcsupport


    Hi alexkappel,

    Thank you for the post. To clarify a bit, currently category data is not passed over to MailChimp with the MailChimp for WooCommerce plugin. Without category data in the connected MailChimp account, product category workflows would not be available. That being said, I understand that this could cause some problems, and I’m going to go ahead and pass this feedback along internally for our developers to review. In the meantime, it would be possible to create other ecommerce related Automation workflows such as an “Any Product Follow-Up” workflow if you’d like. More information about the various workflow types available in MailChimp can be found in the MailChimp Knowledge Base, here: https://kb.mailchimp.com/automation/about-automation-workflow-types

    Please feel free to reach back out if you have any other questions.



    Hi Pearl,

    Is there any update on this please? Being able to send emails to people depending on the category they bought from would be a massive help!

    Is this on the cards for being added please soon please?


    Hey Matt,

    Thanks for following up here. I’m afraid that we do not have any new updates to provide. The MailChimp For WooCommerce plugin will not sync category data to MailChimp. That being said, you can keep a close on the plugin changelog to monitor any new updates to the plugin that would allow for this feature here https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/ (the changelog can be found at the bottom of the new plugin directory page)

    Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any further questions!

    – Malachite


    I haven’t seen any plans on the MC for WC plugin page about supporting syncing category data in the near future.

    We really need to create automations based on a product category purchased. Are there any other plugins that support this and the API 3.0 ecommerce features?


    Hey @gtataje

    Support for Categories have been on the roadmap for a while. I can understand that this is a pretty crucial need and I’m going to make sure your piece of feedback makes its way to our development team.

    In the meantime, I’m afraid that I don’t have any specific plugins in mind that would sync categories between WooCommerce and MailChimp. That said, if you do find a plugin that accomplishes this behavior, I would recommend deactivating any other plugins (including MailChimp For WooCommerce) that sync WooCommerce and MailChimp data, as having multiple plugins active that are syncing data can cause plugin conflicts which will disrupt the normal behavior of the plugins.

    If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to touch base and let us know.


    This thread should make it clear enough, but let me add to the call–category support shouldn’t be “on the roadmap”, and certainly not “for awhile”. CATEGORY SUPPORT IS A VITAL COMPONENT, and needs to be implemented IMMEDIATELY. Many of us–and I would bet most of us–want to be able to send our marketing emails to ANYONE WHO HAS PURCHASED FROM THE (for example) “PILOTS” CATEGORY, rather than just to those who have purchased a particular item. Yes, we can add each and every item, but that becomes prohibitive if you have many items for pilots! I want to market my “flight” tee shirt to anyone who flies, not just to those who have bought a Beechcraft item. I can’t do that effectively and efficiently if I can’t isolate categories and not just products. This is VERY DISAPPOINTING, and should be addressed immediately by your developers, rather than just languishing “on the roadmap”.

    Hey @jcdesignstudio,

    I certainly imagine the frustration that comes with having to work without the ability to sync category data. Unfortunately, the plugin right now only supports syncing First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and purchase data. That said, I am collecting feedback for our team and I’ll be certain that yours make it along to our development team to track the growing concern for this capability.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. Let us know if you have any further questions.


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