Hello @trutherone
Thank you for the update and sorry for the late reply. I’ve done some testing on this and I can confirm that the plugin is working correctly and that there is no flaw in it. Below is an explanation of what is happening:
1) On a multisite network, the users are network users and they are assigned specific roles on sub sites on the network. Users can also have multiple user roles on multisite sub sites.
2) Every user on the network, regardless of the user roles they have on the different sub sites or on the network, they can always access their user profile page at network level. The URL for a network’s user profile page is the following:
Please try this and you can see that with or without WP 2FA any user on your network can access this network user profile page.
3) This is the only page at network level that any user without super admin role can access on the network. This is default WordPress behaviour.
4) When you use WP 2FA, and a user has to configure WP 2FA, 2FA is configured at the network level and not at sub site level. This is a security feature by design. If 2FA is not configured at network level, it can be easily bypassed if a user has different user roles on different sub sites.
For example;
a) a user has administrator role on one site and author role on another website
b) you enforce 2FA on all users with administrator user role
c) If 2FA was enforced at sub site level, when the user with multiple roles logs in to the site on which they have author role, then they do not need 2FA. However, once logged in they can access all the sites they have access to, bypassing 2FA.
So to conclude, there are no flaws and the plugin is working currently on the multisite network.
I trust the above answers your questions. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you again for using our plugin.