• Resolved Logozuu


    Hi guys

    Trust you are well.

    I have recently installed Payment Gateway Plugin for PayPal WooCommerce ( Free ) for my website.

    I then followed these instructions so that I can have the plug-in go live and accept payments:


    Requires a PayPal Developer account and Business account linked with confirmed identity, email, and bank account.

    To get the Client ID and Secret:

    • Login to your PayPal business account.
    • Go to Activity > API Access OR from Account Settings > API Access.
    • Scroll down to the REST API Integration section and click Manage API apps and credentials. The REST API apps window opens up.
    • Click on the PayPal Developer experience link to create or manage apps.
    • Next, Login to developer account or Signup a new developer account. Click on the create a new application or default application for your business account. Then, copy the Client ID and Secret.
    • Paste the Client ID and Secret in the respective fields of the plugin.

    The instructions didn’t exactly reflect what I saw on the business/developer sites for PayPal but I managed to get to the delevoper page that allows me to Create App (https://developer.paypal.com/dashboard/applications/live_)

    I created the app and copied the Live Client ID and Secret ID and pasted them into the Live setting of the app.

    However when I hit save, a red message appears at the top of the plugin page:

    Invalid PayPal Credentials. Please check and enter valid credentials in the plugin settings here.

    I’m pretty sure I followed everything correctly. Does anyone know how to get around this?

    best regards


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @logozuu,

    Greetings from WebToffee support.

    Are you still facing this issue? We just checked your site and we were able to visit the PayPal payment page without any issue.

    Please check whether you can make a payment or go to the PayPal payment page from your site.

    Thread Starter Logozuu


    Thanks for getting back to me so promptly.

    So I got up this morning and logged out again and logged back into the WordPress and that red message seems to have disappeared. It may have needed some time to resolve.

    Looks like it’s all good for now but I’ll contact the customers that were having issues and get them to process their orders again and see what happens.

    best regards

    I’m having the same issue. I’ve used live credentials but I’m getting an error in the frontend that says “invalid_token – The token passed in was not found in the system,” and in the backend, it says, “Invalid PayPal Credentials. Please check and enter valid credentials in the plugin settings here.”

    Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @logozuu,

    We have identified the cause of the issue. It seems like the plugin was incorrectly displaying the invalid credentials error message for correct API keys.
    If the payment methods are working on your site, you may ignore this error message. We will be making the necessary changes in the plugin to fix this issue.

    We appreciate your understanding on the matter.

    Hi @nick7961,

    The issue you mentioned is different from the one being discussed here. Please create a new thread sharing your site URL and the screenshot of the error message with us.
    You may recheck the API keys and make sure that you are entering the correct live credentials in the live API fields before creating the thread.

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