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  • Yes, I am seeing the same thing. Is anyone aware of a workaround for this?

    Thanks in advance!

    This is not a problem for me right now. Running WP 4.4.2 and LLA: 1.7.1

    Are you two still experiencing the issue? Maybe it was fixed by WP 4.4.1/4.4.2?

    If so please mark this ticket as resolved.

    ATM I’m having the opposite problem: Plugin is working, shows in plugins list but SETTINGS > LIMIT LOGIN ATTEMPTS is nowhere to be found.

    I am also experiencing mckeownmarketing’s problem.

    Anyone find a solution?

    Wow okay this sounds like it might be something specific about your setup.

    Do any of you see the plugin in /mu-plugins/?

    That would explain why it’s autoloaded and can’t be removed.

    It’s also possible that your hosting provider is enforcing the use of LLA (I know Dreamhost has auto-enabled WP-Supercache in the past). This would be a logical move or hosts since login spam can bring a server to it’s knees and has little to do with whether a site is actually popular or not (so cheap hosting is even more susceptible to small amounts of login spam).

    FWIW this is a great plugin, so having it enabled is a good thing 99% of the time. If you are stuck with it just deal with it and remember your passwords!

    If you can’t remember your passwords you are probably not using one of the now-mandatory password management applications (1password, lastpass, keepassx) and need to start doing so ASAP.

    Well, we’re having the problem on two separate websites… and I just got a question from a guy at another organization like ours, who is having the exact same problem on his site (which I’m not involved with). Seems like more than a coincidence. I’m wondering if a recent minor WP update is now conflicting with Limit Login Attempts, since it hasn’t been updated in like 4 years.

    We do have an mu-plugins folder, but only seeing “gd-system-plugin” in there…

    Continuing to investigate…

    …which, duh, is a GoDaddy system plugin… all of these sites are on GoDaddy… calling them now…


    FWIW I support them doing this overall. I bet your site, like the others that share the server, is faster and more reliable because they handled the login spam for you.

    That said it should have been obvious what was going on, so you have a right to be confused/dismayed. It sucks that “gd-system-plugin” didn’t show in the admin and/or didn’t have a description that clarified what it did (i.e. which plugins/features it auto-enabled that deviate your site from a clean WP install).

    Thread Starter mckeownmarketing


    Many thanks Jeremy. I’ve been looking for that POC plugin since I migrated off GD a while back. #tyvm

    Thread Starter mckeownmarketing


    BTW – By POC I’m referring to the GD plugin not the LLA plugin. ??

    I don’t understand how this is “resolved”. One of my client sites has this same issue: Limit Login Attempts is configured in the sidebar, but I can’t find it anywhere in the plug-ins listing. It doesn’t show up in the file listings via ftp either. Yea, GoDaddy is the host (not my choice). So, how do we disable and delete this?
    thanks, Anne

    Look in /wp-content/mu-plugins/ and see if the plugin is there.

    Also try installing Limit Login Attempts normally and see what happens. Maybe enabling the real thing will make the menus show.

    I rang godaddy to get to the bottom of this after I got locked out of my site. Tech support couldn’t help me, nor did they know anything about the limit login attempt plugin.
    However, not only that the plugin folder still exists, even after i’ve deactivated and deleted it, it actually lives in a godaddy system plugin folder!
    The most frustrating thing is that I can’t even rename or delete it due to permissions set by godaddy.
    The limit login attempts folder is found under wp-content/mu-plugins/gd-system-plugin/plugins/limit-login-attempts/

    Yep, always best to upload plugins as the FTP user so you have ownership permissions on them. Godaddy can remove via shell for you if “owned” by the server/apache, or they can CHWON to be owned by the ftpuser, where you’d be able to delete it.

    Welcome to web server management!

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