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  • Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    Hi Nancy, This is not particularly a problem with Job Manager as it may be with your specific installation.

    There are so many variables with users sites, hosting providers, other plugins, data base issues, migration issues etc.

    If you have been running JM for several years…your DB may need to be cleaned up…..Many versions of WP (upgrades) and other plugins can cause havoc…too.

    Several things you can and should do.

    1. Make sure there is not a conflict with another plugin and or theme.

    2. Make sure you follow the suggestions with regards to archiving data and cleaning up your data.

    3. If your still experiencing issues and the other 2 options don’t help, you may have to do a fresh install of WP too.

    Hope this helps.

    Thomas, I am a web developer helping Nancy try to sort out the problem with her site. I tried deactivating all other plugins and then deleting a resume. This had no effect — none of the resumes will delete.

    I noticed that in the Resumes section of the Job Manager settings page that there is an error message: Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘jobman_print_resume_settings_box’ not found or invalid function name in /home2/baughman/public_html/wp-content/plugins/job-manager/functions.php on line 42

    The code there is: call_user_func_array( $function, $params );

    Could this error be related to Nancy’s problem?

    Incidentally, the site is running WP 4.1.

    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    Nancy, linkomatic – I sent an email to Nancy on suggestions.

    What your describing certainly appears to be a corrupt installation and or DB that can be caused by numerous issues.

    I have worked with many installs similar to yours with years of data and in most cases, following the recommendations we provided for this update resolved or headed off having issues like this.

    We posted in several locations the Links to Documentation on updating that all point back to this:

    NOTE: Users with large data base collections of applications, jobs and resumes it’s recommended that you test this update on a TEST server and NOT a live install prior to moving to a live environment.

    Hope this helps.

    Unfortunately Nancy did not notice/follow the instructions for the upgrade and I was not involved in the process. Do you have any suggestions for what we can do now?

    btw, I tried switching to a different theme (Twenty Twelve), and that did not have any impact.

    A few more points…I see that the applications are stored as standard posts (interesting choice there — I would think you would create a custom post type, but it is what it is) . There are less than 1,000 posts in the database — so not really that huge — of which 350 are Applications. I tried installing and running the WP Optimize plugin, to no net effect.

    Your thoughts on next steps?

    So, I cloned a copy of the site, went into phpmyadmin, and manually deleted all the old applications in the posts table with post_title = ‘Application”. THAT DID THE TRICK! I can now submit new applications and delete them without a problem. What was happening before is that when you execute the Delete bulk action, the page would simply refresh and the list of applications displayed was unchanged. Now, after deleting all the old applications, when you select an application and perform the Delete bulk action, it now displays “Are you sure you want to delete?” type of message, which was not displaying before.

    One (hopefully final) question: although this solves the immediate problem, I know it leaves a lot of unnecessay junk laying around for the deleted applications — the resumes themselves, as well as the related entires in the postmeta table. Any ideas on how to clean that junk up in an automated/semi-automated way? Also, is there junk anywhere else that requires cleanup?

    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    linkomatic: Great to hear you were able to resolve Nancy’s issues.

    Diving into the DB is not for the faint of heart for sure, but you did a superb job and beat me to the next step.

    As for removing resumes there are several ways to accomplish this.

    1. Suggestions I have made in the past for recruiters is to DL/via FTP the upload folders and then strip out all but the resumes so that you have an archival copy of them for later use.

    I would also suggest Archiving your Applications – this can be accomplished via (Bulk Export as CSV File) in the footer of the applications Page.

    This provides a great contact reference page for future use.

    2. You can go to the Media Library and Bulk Delete resumes there too.

    There is not an automated way to accomplish this.

    The next Major Release will have an entirely new Resume DB with different options and storage locations. We decided to wait on this precisely due to the many long time users that had a lot of old data on their systems.

    As for DB clean up tools, I recommend taking a look at this article.

    One more note to close this out. (This is more for the benefit of anyone else reading this FORUM thread).

    It’s HIGHLY recommended that anytime you intend to update WordPress Core or ANY plugins.

    1. That you Make a DB backup first.
    2. Then Check the plugin repository and review:
    – Description
    – Change Log
    – Support Information

    Often Valuable Information is there to help you.

    One last item. You get what you pay for when it comes to hosting providers.

    We highly recommend WP Engine. Why ? Because, automated backups , security and not having to use about half a dozen plugins to accomplish the same thing. The time and money invested in keeping a site running optimally when you use it to make a living is priceless. Cheap hosting costs you in the long run and can cost you in way more than you bargained for!

    Thanks for your comments, Thomas, about archiving and the Media Library.

    I’m well aware of best practices WRT taking backups and updating software. Unfortunately those weren’t followed in the case, there was a problem, and then I was brought in. Even if those practices had been followed, we still would have had to deal with the broken Delete function at some point. I’m also well aware of database optimization methods, which is why I tried using WP-Optimize to do that — and it didn’t have any impact on the problem. And lastly, I agree with your recommendation on WP Engine. I have been using it for several years on a number of sites. Again, not sure that using them would have made any difference in this case — hosting companies don’t fix or avoid bugs in software or databases — but that’s water under the bridge.

    One thing you did not address was my question about cleaning all the old junk out of the wp_posts table. But I guess we’ll deal with that if and when there are other problems down the road.

    Cheers, Jon

    Sorry, typo in the last paragraph. That should have read “…old junk out of the wp_postmeta table”.

    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    Delete Function IS NOT BROKEN in the plugin code. The issue you experienced was most likely caused by a DB migration at some point that caused a corruption in one or more DB tables causing the function/loop to hang on execution.

    Looking at the IP of the site, I see that it was on another hosting provider prior to Host Gator…that move is what most likely set up the chain of events that was triggered by plugin(s) and or other core updates.

    As for cleaning up “junk” any jobman related files were removed when you removed the application tables , other than the remaining Resume Files now not attached to the app – stored in the Upload Media Folders.

    I am also getting
    Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘jobman_print_resume_settings_box’ not found or invalid function name in /home/ad/public_html/wp-content/plugins/job-manager/functions.php on line 42
    Under resumes head in settings,
    Also I was under some dfferent host before shifting,
    This is the first time i have installed jobs manager on this site about 3 days ago,
    When on previous host, i had not installed jobs manager,

    Pls help, this is urgent.

    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    This has now been identified as a bug and we are working on a fix. Took some time to duplicate as it only appears to happen to those that have migrated installations. Doesn’t matter if JM was originally installed.

    I can’t give you an exact timeline for when the fix will be out…hopefully within the next week to 10 days…..possibly sooner is all I can say.

    Additionally, you could follow the steps outlined above by


    to resolve his similar issue.

    I would only do this on a CLONE or STAGE version of your site and NOT on a LIVE site. Hope this helps.

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