• I’m having a large number of problems with my wordpress install! Firstly, the dashboard is showing lots of previews of the site: under the “Latest Activity” section, and in the rest of it.

    Also, I can’t delete the “Hello World” post, or the “About” page.

    Finally, I can’t add pictures to posts. If i insert a picture it appears in the editor, but when I click save/publish it simply drops back to the homepage with no changes applied!

    If anybody can help with any of these things it would be so hugely appreciated! If you’re interested to see the site, it’s here .

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  • I had the same problem. Except I don’t know if you could type in the Text Box to post a blog or not, I was only able to type in the subject line. I couldn’t type in the text box at all.

    I found the installation was corrupt, so I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it. Now all the problems you mentioned above were gone for me and I can type in the text box now. Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling the program.

    I have the same problem with 2.2 installed with fantastico, or installed manually.

    I can’t edit or add categories, and the recent activity panel is a preview of the site. When I try and add categories it just shows a site preview at the bottom of the page.

    My host is suggesting this is a problem with cpanel servers and 2.2. Can anyone confirm?

    Partial transcript from conversation with host:

    HOST: you should have to install any version from wordpress 2.1.X
    HOST: 2.2.X is not compatiable. with server and has many scripting issue.
    ME: 2.2 is a stable release
    HOST: but is not compatible with cpanel servers.
    HOST: you wont face any problem for 2.1.X version of it.

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