• I’m totally ok with having some limitations in the free version of the plugin. I get it, their goal is to try and sell you on upgrading. But you literally can’t change a single option in the free version and the default gallery without making changes looks like garbage. I’m sorry but that’s just not cool. I’m going to pass on this one. I won’t even consider buying the full version even if it is good if you’re going to pull this ridiculous stingy move on for the free version.

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  • Hi
    Dear user may you tell me what exactly you couldn’t change in free version? Default gallery can be change to another one, we give 7 different types.
    Also we provide individual customization and could help you to change anything. But you even didn’t try to contact us right?
    Please feel free to do that [email protected]

    I agree with sojcher12. not having the ability to change anything it doesn’t give a potential customer a true idea of how this plug-in works and if it fits one requirements.

    Here’s an option that ought to be provided for free–a lightbox close button. In a smartphone, you can only close it by reloading the page. ??

    Dear users we already opened some options in lightbox, and soon video gallery lightbox tool will be updated on it.
    Your feedback helps us to improve our plugin.
    So you may just try to ask something before giving such low rating.

    Merry Xmas to you all)

    I bought the plugin without even trying the free version… and I’m very happy I did. Who’s being “stingy”… a developer who offers his basic plugin for free or the customer that can’t pay for something that the developer has spent a lot of time on creating, editing, and perfecting? I think the freebie seeker is the “stingy” one.

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