That message shows when we can’t locate the image. Specifically this exact truth test is used, and if it fails it send back the info message you see.
get_post_meta($slide_id, '_thumbnail_id', true)
Is the issue that you can’t fix it by updating it? Is there any benefit to editing it rather than just creating a new slide?
I suppose the check above isn’t actually necessary when updating the image. If you’re comfortable editing the code to try it out, you could just comment out (//) the test and see if it works. If so I can look into adding this in.
* Verifies that the $slide_id is an actual slide (it currently has an image)
if (!($image_id_old = intval(get_post_meta($slide_id, '_thumbnail_id', true)))) {
// return new WP_Error('update_failed', __('The requested slide does not exist or something is wrong with the current image. Please try again or remove this slide.', 'ml-slider'), array('status' => 409));
This is in inc/slide/metaslide.class.php
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Kevin Batdorf. Reason: Added file location