• Resolved samuelinimald


    Hi, I have recently installed Tutor LMS and the plugin seems to be a good alternative to many other LMS plugins.

    I finished the setup and my lessons, the problem started when I was doing the quizzes, when adding multiple-choice questions, it doesn’t allow me to add an option answer, it just shows javascript at the left bottom corner of my pc. been trying to edit my quiz in Tutor LMS.

    I’d be happy if you can help me with this.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Dear @samuelinimald

    I am very sorry for the issue, to fix this issue you need to edit this file plugins/tutor/views/modal/question_form.php

    And replace this file code with this code:

     * Quiz question form template
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @author themeum
     * @link https://themeum.com
     * @package Tutor\Template
    global $wpdb;
    $settings = maybe_unserialize( $question->question_settings );
    <div id="tutor-quiz-question-wrapper" 
    	data-question-id="<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>" 
    	data-question_type="<?php echo esc_attr( $question->question_type ); ?>">
    	<div class="question-form-header tutor-mb-12">
    		<a	href="javascript:;" class="back-to-quiz-questions-btn tutor-btn tutor-btn-ghost" 
    			data-quiz-id="<?php echo esc_attr( isset( $quiz_id ) ? $quiz_id : '' ); ?>" 
    			data-topic-id="<?php echo esc_attr( isset( $topic_id ) ? $topic_id : '' ); ?>">
    			<span class="tutor-icon-previous" area-hidden="true"></span>
    			<?php esc_html_e( 'Back', 'tutor' ); ?>
    	<input type="hidden" name="quiz_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $quiz_id ); ?>" />
    	<div class="tutor-mb-32">
    		<label class="tutor-form-label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Write your question here', 'tutor' ); ?></label>
    		<div class="tutor-mb-16">
    			<input type="text" name="tutor_quiz_question[<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>][question_title]" 
    					class="tutor-form-control" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Type your question here', 'tutor' ); ?>" 
    					value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $question->question_title ) ); //phpcs:ignore ?>">
    	<div class="tutor-mb-32">
    		<label class="tutor-form-label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Select your question type', 'tutor' ); ?></label>
    		<div class="tutor-mb-16">
    			<div class="tutor-w-100">
    				<div class="tutor-row tutor-align-center">
    					<div class="tutor-col-12 tutor-col-md-12">
    						<div class="question-type-select">
    							$question_types = tutor_utils()->get_question_types();
    							$current_type   = $question->question_type ? $question->question_type : 'true_false';
    							<div class="select-header">
    								<span class="lead-option">
    									$allowed_icon_html_tags = array(
    										'span' => array(
    											'class' => array(),
    										'i'    => array(
    											'class' => array(),
    									echo tutor_utils()->clean_html_content(
    										$question_types[ $current_type ]['icon'],
    									echo esc_html( $question_types[ $current_type ]['name'] );
    								<span class="select-dropdown">
    									<i class="tutor-icon-down "></i> 
    								<input	type="hidden" class="tutor_select_value_holder" 
    										name="tutor_quiz_question[<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>][question_type]" 
    										value="<?php echo esc_attr( $question->question_type ); ?>">
    							<div class="tutor-select-options" style="display: none;">
    								$has_tutor_pro = tutor()->has_pro;
    								foreach ( $question_types as $type => $question_type ) {
    									<p 	class="tutor-select-option" 
    										data-value="<?php echo $type; ?>" <?php echo $question->question_type === $type ? ' data-selected="selected"' : ''; ?> 
    										data-is-pro="<?php echo ( ! $has_tutor_pro && $question_type['is_pro'] ) ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>">
    											echo tutor_utils()->clean_html_content( $question_type['icon'], $allowed_icon_html_tags ) . ' ' . esc_html( $question_type['name'] );
    										if ( ! $has_tutor_pro && $question_type['is_pro'] ) {
    											$svg_lock = '<svg width="12" height="16" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M11.667 6h-1V4.667A4.672 4.672 0 0 0 6 0a4.672 4.672 0 0 0-4.667 4.667V6h-1A.333.333 0 0 0 0 6.333v8.334C0 15.402.598 16 1.333 16h9.334c.735 0 1.333-.598 1.333-1.333V6.333A.333.333 0 0 0 11.667 6zm-4.669 6.963a.334.334 0 0 1-.331.37H5.333a.333.333 0 0 1-.331-.37l.21-1.89A1.319 1.319 0 0 1 4.667 10c0-.735.598-1.333 1.333-1.333S7.333 9.265 7.333 10c0 .431-.204.824-.545 1.072l.21 1.891zM8.667 6H3.333V4.667A2.67 2.67 0 0 1 6 2a2.67 2.67 0 0 1 2.667 2.667V6z" fill="#E2E2E2" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>';
    											printf( "<span class='question-type-pro' title='%s'>%s</span>", __( 'Pro version required', 'tutor' ), $svg_lock );
    					<div class="tutor-col-12 tutor-col-md-12 tutor-mt-20">
    						<div class="tutor-row tutor-align-center">
    							<div class="tutor-col-sm-4 tutor-col-md-4 tutor-mt-4 tutor-mb-4">
    								<label class="tutor-form-toggle tutor-nowrap-ellipsis">
    									<input type="checkbox" class="tutor-form-toggle-input" value="1" name="tutor_quiz_question[<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>][answer_required]" <?php checked( '1', tutor_utils()->avalue_dot( 'answer_required', $settings ) ); ?> />
    									<span class="tutor-form-toggle-control"></span> <?php esc_html_e( 'Answer Required', 'tutor' ); ?>
    							<div class="tutor-col-sm-4 tutor-col-md-4 tutor-mt-4 tutor-mb-4">
    								<label class="tutor-form-toggle tutor-nowrap-ellipsis">
    									<input type="checkbox" class="tutor-form-toggle-input" value="1" name="tutor_quiz_question[<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>][randomize_question]" <?php checked( '1', tutor_utils()->avalue_dot( 'randomize_question', $settings ) ); ?> />
    									<span class="tutor-form-toggle-control"></span> <?php esc_html_e( 'Randomize', 'tutor' ); ?>
    	<div class="tutor-mb-32">
    		<label class="tutor-form-label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Point(s) for this answer', 'tutor' ); ?></label>
    		<div class="tutor-mb-16">
    			<div class="tutor-row tutor-align-center">
    				<div class="tutor-col-sm-6 tutor-col-md-4">
    					<input type="text" name="tutor_quiz_question[<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>][question_mark]" class="tutor-form-control" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'set the mark ex. 10', 'tutor' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $question->question_mark ); ?>">
    				<div class="tutor-col-sm-6 tutor-col-md-4 tutor-mt-4 tutor-mb-4">
    					<label class="tutor-form-toggle tutor-nowrap-ellipsis">
    						<input type="checkbox" class="tutor-form-toggle-input" value="1" name="tutor_quiz_question[<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>][show_question_mark]" <?php checked( '1', tutor_utils()->avalue_dot( 'show_question_mark', $settings ) ); ?> />
    						<span class="tutor-form-toggle-control"></span> <?php esc_html_e( 'Display Points', 'tutor' ); ?>
    	<input type="hidden" name="tutor_quiz_question_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $question_id ); ?>">
    	<div class="tutor-mb-32">
    		<label class="tutor-form-label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Description', 'tutor' ); ?> <span>(<?php esc_html_e( 'Optional', 'tutor' ); ?>)</span></label>
    		<div class="tutor-mb-16">
    				$field_name = "tutor_quiz_question[{$question_id}][question_description]";
    			<textarea name="<?php echo esc_attr( $field_name ); ?>" id="tutor_quiz_desc_text_editor" class="tutor-form-control"><?php echo wp_kses_post( wp_unslash( $question->question_description ) ); ?></textarea>
    	<div class="tutor-mb-16">
    		<label class="tutor-form-label">
    			<?php esc_html_e( 'Input options for the question and select the correct answer.', 'tutor' ); ?>
    	<div id="tutor_quiz_builder_answer_wrapper">
    		$question_type = $question->question_type;
    		$question_id   = $question_id;
    		require __DIR__ . '/question_answer_list.php';

    Have a good day.

    Thread Starter samuelinimald


    Hi, I have just copied and pasted the code as it is, however when I wnet to edit the quiz on the plugin it shows the code it self.

    Thread Starter samuelinimald


    Sorry, it does not allow me to even edit the whole code in Tutor LMS. Can you help please.

    Gear @samuelinimald

    Did you copy the full code and delete the old code from the file? Please let me know.

    Thread Starter samuelinimald


    Yes I deleted the old one and copied the new code.

    But I noticed a download bar at the top of my screen I think I still have the old code downloaded in computer.

    Dear @samuelinimald

    Please contact themeum support.

    Have a good day.

    Thread Starter samuelinimald


    Who is that Rashed and how do I get in contact with them?

    Dear @samuelinimald

    Please go to https://www.themeum.com/ and create a support ticket.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter samuelinimald


    Thank you

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