Can’t edit redirect slug
We run a booking site with a lot of musical acts.
From time to time we need to delete acts, these deleted pages we redirect to their category pages.When we trash an act, example:
/live-entertainment/luize-chris-queensland-duo/Your plugin prompts us to add a redirect in, which we do to a category page, example:
/entertainment/duos-trios/brisbane/But you plugin is adding “__trashed” at the end of the original URL, example
which we can see in the redirect manager.
This means that /live-entertainment/luize-chris-queensland-duo/ does not redirect, as it does not have __trashed at the end.
We were able to go into the Redirect Manager and ‘edit’ the entry, removing “__trashed” from the end.
But recently when we save the original URL it does not update and remains with “__trashed” at the end.
How do we:
a. Not have “__trashed” auto-populate at the end of the slug
b. Successfully edit redirects and have them stick?Thanks!
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