• I just upgraded to version 2.03 and this is the first time i use widget plugin. I have double checked if all the files are in the right place and they seem to be. I can organize the widgets but i can’t seem to edit them when i click on the config button. I am using the default theme too. If that helps.

    This is the message i get when i click on the config button…..

    Warning: call_user_func_array(): First argumented is expected to be a valid callback, ” was given in /homepages/7/d112263831/htdocs/blog/wp-content/plugins/widgets/widgets.php on line 645

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  • As a last-ditch effort, I downloaded the latest version of the scriptaculous files and replaced the ones that came in the widgets package. Still have the same problem… I can drag, I can rearrange, the sidebar shows up fine, I just can’t configure the individual items.

    I switched back to my old widgets.php (file date 5/4/06). Everything works ok.

    can you put up your old widget.php file so we can all use it? thx.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    enquirer32: The latest version of the widgets from the site I posted above ( https://automattic.com/code/widgets/ ) *does* work. I’m using it myself. In this one, the widgets are listed at the bottom of the page and so forth. It also contains a lot of fixes for problems that the old plugin versions have.

    Either use the version from automattic.com, or use the SVN version (which is not available right now because of the wp-plugins.org problems). Either one of those will work. All other versions have problems of one sort or another, on different configurations.

    I really dislike how their continual changes without actually updating the version number of the thing has fragmented the install base. They should start numbering changes they make to the widgets plugin already. Come on guys!

    Yosemite, you Otto42 and many others are unbelievable. You are so quick to respond to peoples problems; I salute you and everyone like you who takes the time to help people.

    I’m sorry about the length of this reply, but there seems to be a lot of people having problems with getting widgets to work.

    Based on your comments, I did place the scriptaculous directory in wp-includes/js. It didn’t change anything. I have been trying to solve this problem for a week and have tried everything I have seen on the WP forum, including changing themes recommended by WP for widgets, uploading, and etcetera.

    When I go into my sidebar widgets control, the boxes are not side-by-side. I have one empty box on top (it’s the one where I should drag and drop) and another below it with all of my widgets. It’s almost impossible to drag anything to top box. But, even if you do drag a widget to the top, you can’t do anything with it. It’s just an icon.

    Based on numerous comments about problems with widgets, I did some research.

    I am no wiz when it comes to PHP. So, I went to the official site and discovered there is a bug in PHP 4.3 (the one my host uses) with “function command.” I was amazed that the PHP pros did not have a solution to the bug.

    Like them, I was getting numerous PHP WARNINGS and PARSE ERRORS when I checked my host error logs. All of the errors, pointed to line 22 in widgets.php. When I examined this file, sure enough it is a function command on line 22 that was a redeclare. Below are a couple of comments from the PHP forum (somewhat old based on newer versions).

    “The problem does not appear to be that php defines a gc() function that phplib is clobbering, but that phplib’s session.inc file actually tries to define gc() twice.”

    “seems that this is an enhancement of php – because the bug is really in phplib. sorry.”

    “SURELY someone knows how to fix this annoying error? It was first reported over 2 months ago and there are no postings on this problem report showing a resolution. Well?”

    Thus, I’m not sure there is a fix unless my host updates its version. As I said, I’m no PHP wiz, but what I read last night did not make me optimistic.

    If I am wrong, please let me know,

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