• Resolved Mian Shahzeb


    Hi, I have installed Premium Yoast 3.5.2 on web with Yoast Local SEO addon. I don’t understand why yoast is not showing focus keyword field? Even I install same theme on other domain and install same plugin! It works with new but not with 1st web.
    Here is few Screenshots of Yoast SEO -> New Page:
    Yoast Plugin - Add New Page - ISSUE - FOCUS Keyword
    Expand Yoast SEO Plugin in Add New Page and Couldn't find any details regarding Yoast.
    Same plugin works for everything on other domain without any issue.

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  • Thread Starter Mian Shahzeb



    Same for me, It happened when I upgraded to 4.7.4–fr_FR

    Plugin Support amboutwe


    The SEO keyword analysis can be disabled site wide or per user. So lets confirm its enabled for your site and for your user specifically:

    Admin > SEO > Dashboard: Is the keyword analysis feature enabled?
    Admin > Users > Your Profile: Is the SEO analysis feature UNchecked?

    If both of these are enabled, then something is either conflicting or has manually disabled the feature. The next step would be to disable all plugins and switch to a freshly installed default theme, like Twenty Seventeen. From this default state, enable Yoast SEO and see if the analysis returns.

    fixed for me, thank’s !

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