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  • Plugin Author ben.moody


    Do you have the gravity forms plugin installed?

    Hi Ben,

    I think I am having the same problem. In the future, I would recommend clearly stating in the plugin details (in wordpress) that it’s required to have a license. I’ve spent like a day and a half trying to figure out why the forms wouldn’t populate. Hopefully you can make a quick change in the details (or at least make it more visual) that you need a license in order for it to run/function. It’s a bit misleading and can be confusing for some users. Thanks! Love the plugin from the videos/demos that I’ve seen.

    Plugin Author ben.moody



    My plugin doesn’t require any sort of license. It is an extension to the popular Gravity forms plugin.

    I do not own nor develop Gravity forms, i just built an extension for it. All my plugin does is add file uploading capability to the gravity forms plugin which itself provides the core form functionality.

    Hope this helps

    So essentially what you are saying is that to use your plugin, we have to purchase gravity forms? I originally thought that we could just use your plugin itself as a stand alone. At least that’s what I thought. Sorry for the confusion, just trying to clarify and help other users who are having the same confusion. Other than your plugin, there’s not really another plugin that gives such easy functionality, terms of use, etc.. If I were you, I would break away from gravity forms and make that plugin a stand alone, one time purchase…. you would make a killing!!! I know I would buy it. But I can tell you that I’m not interested in purchasing gravity forms at a yearly renewal for the sole purpose of having a multi-file uploader extension. I think they are losing out on sales because of it.. And I think you are losing out on customers using your awesome plugin as they are also in the same boat as I am. I would definitely pay some $ upfront for the plugin alone, but it does no good to me if I’m buying the whole package from Gravity Form (in which I don’t really need the extra addons that I would be paying for just to sit in my admin toolbar doing nothing). Just trying to give some feedback from a user perspective.

    Thanks for responding! Much appreciated.



    IMO, this should not even be here. Wasted my time as I’m not going to purchase Gravity Forms. Thanks but no thanks.

    Wouter, to be honest, I thought the same thing that I wasn’t going to purchase gravity forms… But honestly, I ended up doing it and it’s great. Well worth the $30 dollars. It makes it a lot easier and I don’t have to waste my time finding a crappy plugin, then putting custom code to format it the way I want it. Gravity forms takes care of all of the BS and Ben’s plugin works well with it. Everything is drag and drop. As i mentioned in my previous post, I didn’t think I would need any addons (other than using Ben’s plugin), but I found myself using Gravity Forms quite often as the user interface is awesome. If you don’t want to waste your time finding a plugin and waste your time putting in your own edits, then I would highly recommend this.

    Hey ,ben.moody
    I heard gravity form plugins anywhere …just i installed in unity woo theme …its installed , but doesn’t appeared in dashboard , can you please help me on that, how can i find gravity admin ?

    Did you buy Gravity Forms? You have to buy Gravity Forms and then download Ben’s plugin. After you activate Gravity Forms and activate Ben’s Advanced Uploader, it will appear in your gravity forms admin area. They automatically link together once activated.

    Plugin Author ben.moody


    Yep, that’s exactly the answer i was going to post. Thanks!

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