Hi @wdmerriman,
When using the Divi editor, you won’t see a PDF Embedder block or the automatically rendered shortcode like you would it you were using the WP 5 Gutenberg editor in conjunction with the Divi theme. This is because the Divi page builder overrides the normal content creation process and breaks the automatic shortcode insertion process.
When using Divi, you will need to update the inserted link so that it is rendered as the shortcode. It is easier to do this in the TEXT tab of the visual editor. Change the inserted code
<a href="link-to-pdf">Text</a>
[pdf-embedder url="link-to-pdf"]
We do have a Divi module that you can use to insert the shortcode for you (you still have to copy and paste the URL into the code). This module will need to be imported into your Divi library. If you would like to have this module, please send us an email at [email protected]