• Resolved donstevens


    Please help, I need the the sidebar widget that will display upcoming events working. This is the only thing that is stopping me from using this excellent plug in.


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  • The EOM widget is located on the widgets page with the title “Event-O-Matic”

    I was successfully using the sidebar widget, but I was moving some stuff around, and I think I somehow disabled it. No matter what I do I can’t seem to get the widget to show up again. Any suggestions?

    You’ve double checked to make sure the plugin is still active? It might not have reactivated after an upgrade. If yes, then please list what actions you’ve already taken to resolve the problem so that we don’t have to ask irrelevant questions.

    It says “active” in the plugin menu. I think as I was moving things around I had pulled the widget out of the primary sidebar and into the “available widgets” box, where settings are deactivated. I tried putting it back to the primary sidebar and saving settings, but it won’t show up. I’ve tried doing it a couple of times, plus I may have deactivated and reactivated, but it still won’t show up. I can add venues and events, and they show up on the calendar page I created, but no widget. Thank you for your help.

    To clarify, in the admin area for widgets, you have placed the widget in the sidebar area, and you can change settings for it, save it, but the widget won’t show on the front end?

    Try turning all plugins off, then turn on the plugin. If you can add your widget and it work, then turn on the other plugins one at a time, testing to make sure the widget is still working. Eventually, you’ll probably turn one on and the widget will stop working and you can let both plugins authors know that their plugins don’t work well together.

    If with all other plugins off, you can’t get the widget to work, then switch to the twentyeleven theme and try again. If the widget works now, run through the same steps as above. If it does not work, then the plugin itself is to blame.

    Most of the time when things like this happen, it’s a social sharing plugin or something that has outdated code and is interfering with your widget, but it could be that the plugin author has released a version of the plugin that simply doesn’t work with your host (less likely but possible).

    Do as stated and disable all plugins and revert to twentyeleven. Reactivate mine and see if you still can’t see the available widget.

    Let me know if you continue to have issues.

    Thank you for your advice. I’ll let you know if I still have issues.

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