Can’t find swiper elementor on asset cleanup
Hi there,
I’m facing a weird issue that when I test me website on gtmetrix, I see the swiper.min.js of elementor file, but When I check it on your plugin, I can’t find this file as part of the js files of the elementor plugin, no idea why.
Also, What I’m trying to do it to “preload” this file, due to an error I’m getting on speedinsight google tool that saying this file should be preload.
Any help why this is happen? And how can I see this file on asset cleanup plugin?Many thanks.!
@dror9098 The “swiper” handle should be visible just like the image shown in the following post explaining how to unload Swiper the right way:
I have a suspicion that you’re using the latest version of Elementor as I checked the “Changelog” from the following URL: and noticed that the latest version 3.1.0, dated 2021-01-26, contains some improvements about the way assets are loaded, including Swiper: “Experiment: Improved performance by loading JS and Swiper assets conditionally in frontend“. So, there’s a chance that you do not see it because it’s not loaded by Elementor on that page, because it’s not needed. Since you wanted to unload it yourself, this suggests that you’re not using Swiper there, thus Elementor doesn’t show it.
Now, you’re saying that GTMetrix shows it in the waterfall. Are you sure it’s for the same page? There’s also a chance that Elementor loads assets differently (one JS file calling other JS files and not the way it used to be). To be absolutely sure, I need to check the actual page URL. Are you comfortable sharing it here on this topic? If not, you can also contact me via
@dror9098 as I suspected, after checking your website, Swiper is not loaded anymore separately as an enqueued file (and visible in the HTML source like other JavaScript files). Instead, it’s loading from the file
and it’s related to the latest change they did to improve conditional loading. There’s a post about it here:, it won’t show up the way it used since it’s not loading the traditional way. If you want to preload it, a different method of preloading has to be used, since Asset CleanUp helps you preload JS files that are enqueued as this way it will preload them ONLY on the pages where they are loaded. This is important because you don’t want to preload Swiper site-wide. Plenty of users could just visit pages where Swiper is not needed and preloading it is against the purpose of optimizing the web page in order to get a higher PageSpeed score.
Since Swiper from Elementor is so used and plenty of people might need to preload it as well, I will write a dedicated post (just like the way I’ve done it when it was loading individually, remember the link I shared earlier) about this new change and how a preload would work. It can be done via custom coding. You can place a PHP snippet in functions.php from your child theme and it will preload Swiper on any page that contains specific strings (e.g. Swiper CSS classes). I’ll keep you updated once I will do that. It does take a bit until I prepare the post and make sure to test it properly so the code would work fine.
Hi Gabe,
Thanks so much for your help.
I’ll wait for more updated from you regarding how to preload the swiper file based on relevant pages, for improving google speedinsight score and the error that occurs on their test.@dror9098 I’ve released a plugin that, when activated, will preload the Swiper JS file. Note that this would make sense if “Improved Asset Loading” from “Elementor” -> “Settings” -> “Experiments” (tab) is activated, otherwise, it will be loaded as before (visible in the HTML source). Also, the plugin requires to have Asset CleanUp and Elementor (obviously) activated.
Here’s where you can download it (“Code” -> “Download ZIP”):
Activate it, clear the page caching, then check if the preload is actually made in the HTML source within the HEAD tag. The output should be something like (obviously containing the URL of your website):
<link rel="preload" href="/wp-content/plugins/elementor/assets/lib/swiper/swiper.min.js?ver=5.3.6" crossorigin="anonymous" as="script" />
If this HTML preload tag is there, then you’re ready to do a re-test in Google PageSpeed Insights after page caching is cleared and there’s no “Test Mode” enabled in Asset CleanUp.
Hi Gabe,
thanks so much for that.
I tried it and it seems like it’s working.
Is there an option that you’ll add it as another feature on the asset cleanup plugin without adding another “extra” plugin for this ?
Thanks!@dror9098 I’m glad it’s working for you as well. For situations like this one when a custom code is needed based on a setting from Elementor, I’d rather have an extra small plugin for this purpose to keep things organized. Who knows, I might add it to the main plugin if there’s a high demand for it. Does it bother you to have an extra plugin loaded? It’s easy to deactivate whenever you will not need Elementor.
PS: If you’re happy with Asset CleanUp overall, it would be great if you can spare a minute and leave a quick review about it here:
Thanks so much!
Also, do you know what are these script I see on speedinsight:
as someone that load on website? Is it come from elementor?
Is it possible to eliminate render blocking the minify css file that have been created from wp-rocket cache plugin ?Many Thanks!
Unfortunately the custom plugin didn’t work for me. I have to install Asset CleanUp and that, and it should work after clearing cache?
I was glad to read that thread and discover wpacu-preload-elementor-swiper-js. I gave it a try and was happy with it at first. But I soon discovered that my category pages were now slow as hell to load and that it was the culprit.
So i checked why and I’m happy to share an improvement that maybe Gabriel will like.It’s all about being less greedy and more precise when looking for the classes listed in:
$checkIfClassContains = array('swiper-container', 'swiper-wrapper');
. And also switching from one preg_match_all to several preg_match (on this one, it could be interesting to make more tests, mostly when all classes are found, I agree…).So here is the original code:
// List all the items from the array separated by | making sure that any RegEx characters with special meaning are quoted via preg_quote() // More information: $containsListRegEx = implode( '|', array_map( function( $value ) { return preg_quote( $value, '/' ); }, $checkIfClassContains ) ); // This RegEx looks inside a class' content (either within single or double quote) and checks if it has the classes mentioned at $checkIfClassContains $verifyRegEx = '#class=("|\').*('.$containsListRegEx.')(.*?)("|\')(.*?)>#'; preg_match_all($verifyRegEx, $htmlSource, $anyMatches); // Only continue if, all classes where found, continue if (isset($anyMatches[0]) && count($anyMatches[0]) >= count($checkIfClassContains)) {
and here is the code I propose:
$anyMatches = 0; foreach ($checkIfClassContains as $checkForThisClass) { // MR: This RegEx looks inside a class' content (either within single or double quote) and checks if it has the class $checkForThisClass $verifyRegEx = '#class=("|\')[^"\']*\b'.$checkForThisClass.'\b[^"\']*?\1#'; if (preg_match($verifyRegEx, $htmlSource)) { $anyMatches++; } else { // MR: Exit as soon as we did not found one of the classes as they are all mandatory break; } } // Only continue if, all classes where found, continue if ($anyMatches && $anyMatches == count($checkIfClassContains)) {
According to the class grammar, its content can’t have single or double-quote (not allowed in class names), so specific
should be lighter than greedy.*
to match other strings that the one we are looking for. Then I added word boundaries as otherwise regexp could matchmy-own-swiper-container
classes or others combinations. I also used a backreference, just to be sure to match the same quote (single or double) that was used to start the content. Finally, I removed the final>
as it’s not usefull (we didn’t match the opening one, so why match till the end as we are not sure it’s a matching end?). I also removed the useless grouping parenthesis.In fact, you can keep the original code and change only the regexp and already win a lot of time. For me, original code added around 25s on a category page load time (not having a swiper, so all the HTML is parsed). Adopting the new regexp solved that.
For that, simply replace:
$verifyRegEx = '#class=("|\').*('.$containsListRegEx.')(.*?)("|\')(.*?)>#';
$verifyRegEx = '#class=("|\')[^"|\']*\b'.$containsListRegEx.'\b[^"|\']*?\1#';
The switch to
allows to stop the search sooner on a page if no match is found on a class. But there is still a need to check the real efficience of that!Anyway, I thank you Gabriel for this piece of code.
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