• Resolved Anonymous User 12673376


    Hi ! Very, very nice plugin indeed !
    I’m trying to use an xprofile field on buddypress but I can’t find it in the list “Draw birthday of WordPress Users from the XXX meta field of WordPress User Profile”.

    My Xprofile field is : “perso_date_naissance”

    Its ID is : field_126

    <input id=”field_126″ name=”field_126″ value=”0000-00-00″ type=”text”>

    Nevermind, I can also use the “Description” regular field for record the user’s birthday dates, but it does not seem to recognize the string :


    Thank you for telling me which way is valid for record the date ?
    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author Sudavar


    The buddypress integration is complete but not published, so in the version you are trying it’s not possible. Please wait 1 or 2 days and the update will be ready ??

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Hi there,

    in version 1.7.8 you can choose BuddyPress metadata as well ??
    Please give it a try and if everything works and you like our work, please consider leaving a rating.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 12673376


    Hi !
    Thank you for this update !
    The XProfile filed is now available, thank you !
    BUT… I can’t find any date format that match…
    Can tell me how to configure this XPrfile field please ?

    I already tried :
    text field :

    and also a date picker XProfile field.

    Nothing works, List of Birthdays result remain empty !
    It is a very important point for my project, many thanks in advance for your help !

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 12673376


    It is also possible for me tu use the standard wordpress fiel “Description” to record birth date. Juste tel me which date format I have to use please…

    YYYY-MM-DD ?
    DD-MM-YYYY ?


    Plugin Author Sudavar


    If I recall correctly when the users are not saved in our table they are not shown in the list of birthdays in plugin’s options page. You can try to set the current date to a test user and check if the record us shown in the widget.

    But I checked the code on the fly (on my smartphone) and didn’t see an error… The date is converted to string and then passed as argument to date (php’s function) so there were no errors till now.

    Can you provide me access to your WordPress installation?

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 12673376


    Hi Sudavar,
    I’ve been trying a couple of times others ideas to make it work but the plugin seems to simply ignore any birthdate from any regular or XProfile buddypress field as valide birth date, whatever its date format…
    The only way to make it work is to use “add new” from your plugin option and entering a date for a “virtual” user” but I can’t understand the meaning of using birthdates fom none worpdress users…

    The web site I’m working on is used by my client and I’m not allowed to give an admin access to an unknown person I’m sorry.

    Please just tell me why any birth date in the regular description field does match? Your system uses this kind of date : DD-MM-YYYY, which is not the same as WP : YYYY-MM-DD.

    I’m about to import some 9600 user accounts with birthdate. This import will take around 10 hours. I need to know what kind of date I can use or if your plugin has an unsolved bug.

    Why this thread is classified “Solved” ???
    Thank you

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    1) The WordPress Users are not listed in Plugin’s Options Page, so if you are trying to see all your birthdays (just for now till we figure out the problem), please choose upcoming mode (and in options tab “Upcoming” set the value of Days with birthdays to be more than your users)

    2) Please check again your settings in options page. In WordPress User tab, have you chosen the “Draw birthday of WordPress Users from the XXXX meta field of WordPress User Profile” option?

    The problems you mention can only be reproduced when the option to draw the birthday date from a metafield is not set!

    When I mentioned creating a test user, I meant a WordPress user. As for the option to add a new user you selected, it’s made for a simpler list especially if BuddyPress or equivalent plugins are not used.

    Finally as I said, the plugin is using the PHP function strtotime which accepts the date as it’s set by PHP current locale. For example in my test enviroment, it only accepts 22-02-1984 not 02-22-1984 so it’s DD-MM-YYYY… But even in the 02-22-1984 format the user appears to have birthday at 1rst of January…. That’s why I am thinking you have not enabled the option draw from XXX meta value…

    PS: I marked the topic as resolved, when I released the new version supporting BuddyPress and now I can’t set it back to unresolved…

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Here you can see the options page, as it should be, Profile1 & Profile2 BuddyPress profiles with a metafield Birthday and the result can be seen here.

    I can not help you further, unless I somehow get access to the installation… Skype, Teamviewer whatever…



    Hi Sudavar

    I have the same happen: at the front end it shows the persons birthday, however in the back end it’s all empty.

    I’m happy to grant you access (TeamViewer, Skype or a admin login), let me know when you’re available.

    Cheers Jakob

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    The plugin was not designed to list WordPress Users in the back-end list, I don’t recall now why… I was investigating it before the last update, but didn’t give it much time…

    Will try to implement it and inform you. I am thinking to list the WordPress Users also, but the will not be available for editing through that list… What do you guys think?



    I just play around a little, It’s actually for me no big deal to add the birthday in the WordPress profile (I just start to add the users). Then I have them nicely listed in the back-end, it’s perfect as we then can sort by date or name..

    Cheers Jakob

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 12673376


    Hi Sudavar,
    Thanks for your answers.
    I am not sure to understand what is your plugin made for…
    This is my need :
    Call user by phone and tell him “Happy birthday !” or send him an email.
    My site is about a large processionnal community, we provide info and elearnig for them.

    I need a table result that list the birthdays of the day with name (WP regular field), tel (Xpro field) and email (WP reg field) displayed. I thought that the admin table result was made for that.


    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Hi jd,

    This plugin was made in order to display a little nice widget with the names/pictures of community members (not WordPress Users at first) who have birthdays at the current day.

    I am already working on a cron functionality with which you’ll be able to setup a customizable automated email to be sent to all Users having birthday the current day.

    As for your case:
    – I am going to check why WordPress Users are not shown in the admin table.
    – As for the tel field, maybe I should add an extra option to “draw” extra contact information from a metafield.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 12673376


    Yes !
    It would be great !
    Thank you,

    Plugin Author Sudavar



    Version 1.7.9 Change Log

    • All Users with Birthdays are now shown in admin table where the date and image (not in case of Gravatar) properties are editable
    • Custom Verbiage instead of default years old, thanks to mevilsizor [mevilsizor] for the suggestion
    • Fix in images drawn from a meta field data
    • A first attempt of scheduled cron of emails, but it’s still all in comments

    I hope the next version 1.8 will come soon enough with email scheduling.

    PS: If everything works and you like our work, please consider leaving a rating.

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