• Resolved MAVIC


    I’m running plugin version Version and I’ve tried both the pro version and the free version. I’ve also tried this on two different WP installs on two different hosts and the same issue occurs. I’ve also tried using it with and without the Use Flash option.

    Yes, I’ve read through the support page quite a bit. My steps have been:

    1. Edit an existing page, or create a new page
    2. Click the Add SimpleViewer Gallery button
    3. Give it a new title, eg test
    4. Leave Image Source as Media Library
    5. Deselect Include Featured Image & Flash (also tried it with the Flash option checked) – use the rest of the settings as default and click Add Gallery
    6. Click Add Media on the page I’m editing (next to the Add SimpleViewer Gallery button)
    7. Upload new photos (.jpg files in this case.)
    8. Wait for them to finish uploading, the click the x in the top right corner
    9. Save the page, or view preview.

    The resulting page has no gallery. There is a <div id=”sv-container-3″></div>, but that’s it.

    I verified the upload directory is 777, and that the DOM extension is enabled. The server is running PHP 5.3.2. Another one I tried is running 5.4.20.

    Please advise. Thanks.


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  • Thread Starter MAVIC


    And I’ll add:
    – I have verified that after uploading images, I can go to Media Library and filter by “Uploaded to this page” and the images I uploaded are there.
    – The xml files are being created. Two samples below
    – I’ve also installed NextGen gallery and selected that as the source, and the images still don’t display
    – I’ve switched my theme over to the 2011 theme and the issue persists

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <simpleviewergallery title="office" useFlickr="false" flickrUserName="" flickrTags="" galleryStyle="COMPACT" thumbPosition="LEFT" frameWidth="4" maxImageWidth="400" maxImageHeight="400" textColor="f8f8f8" frameColor="f8f8f8" showOpenButton="false" showFullscreenButton="false" thumbRows="1" thumbColumns="5" e_library="media" e_featuredImage="true" e_mediaOrder="ascending" e_nextgenGalleryId="" e_picasaUserId="" e_picasaAlbumName="" e_g_width="375px" e_g_height="100%" e_bgColor="transparent" e_backgroundTransparent="true" e_useFlash="true" postID="23"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <simpleviewergallery title="test gallery 2" useFlickr="false" flickrUserName="" flickrTags="" galleryStyle="COMPACT" thumbPosition="BOTTOM" frameWidth="20" maxImageWidth="800" maxImageHeight="600" textColor="ffffff" frameColor="ffffff" showOpenButton="true" showFullscreenButton="true" thumbRows="1" thumbColumns="5" e_library="nextgen" e_featuredImage="" e_mediaOrder="" e_nextgenGalleryId="2" e_picasaUserId="" e_picasaAlbumName="" e_g_width="100%" e_g_height="600px" e_bgColor="222222" e_backgroundTransparent="false" e_useFlash="false" postID="235"/>


    The two XML files you posted look OK.
    (The image data is not stored in the XML files in the ‘wp-content/uploads/’ directory. It is generated dynamically when the galleries are displayed.)

    Please post the URL to your gallery’s web page so that I can take a look and investigate further. It should be much easier for me to determine the cause of the problem if I can see the problem for myself.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter MAVIC


    I discovered it has to do with simpleviewer.js being packed. One host I was on was running a plugin to minimize JS (Autoptimize), but it wasn’t listed under plugins so I didn’t see it was enabled. The other was running W3 Total Cache and it was doing the same.

    I haven’t quite figured out how to unpack it and make it work. The output of the typical unpacking tools didn’t cut it. So for now I’ve just set that js file not to be concatenated and minimized.




    I’m glad that you have found the cause of your problem.
    Thank you for posting back to let me know.

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