Thanks for trying the fix. The generated HTML on your page is still faulty. Could you please follow these steps:
- Edit the mixcloud-embed-core.php as described above and re-upload it into the same location on your server
- visit the “Mixcloud-Embed” settings page at YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mixcloud-embed/mixcloud-embed.php and check the value provided as “Color”: It should be either
- an empty field, or
- a 6-letter hex code like “ff6699”. Especially, the value must not contain a number sign (#).
Change and save the option accordingly if necessary.
- In case you have any caches running, remember to clear them after your changes.
Please let me know whether this helps.
@zenpop: You referred to the shortcode of the player ([mixcloud …]…[/mixcloud]); When somebody visits your website, the mixcloud-embed plugin is responsible for turning that shortcode into an actual player. This is where the problem occurs: The generated (HTML) code for the player is wrong. Maybe you could also try the above steps and see whether they solve your problem. If not, it would be great if you could provide a URL to your page where the broken player is displayed. This makes troubleshooting a lot easier. Good luck!