You say you have a shortcode like [epa-album id="117" title="false" display="full"]
. The problem is in the part title="false"
. This should be show_title="false"
. the whole shortcode becomes then [epa-album id="117" show_title="false" display="full"]
. Did you enter this shortcode manually?
Besides that, I would like to point out that you can achieve the same results via an other way. You now have created some pages and added to each page a shortcode to display the album with the same name as the page.
An other option is to link directly to the albums. To do so, you have to edit your menu, so go to Appearance > Menus and click on screen options in the right upper corner. A box with some checkboxes will expand. Verify that the checkbox with the text Photo Albums is checked (If not, check it). Close the screen settings by clicking on screen options again. Now you should see Photo Albums somewhere at the left of the menu. Click on it and it will expand the list with photo albums. Select the photo albums you want an click add to add them to your menu. Now are the menu items directly linked to the photo album, without the use of a shortcode.