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  • Moderator Jose Castaneda



    How have you tried to install it?

    Through the install new plugin > add new > search or upload ? FTP?

    Thread Starter lagi80


    install new plugin > add new > search

    i didnt try ftp, because I don’t no really how this works ??

    Moderator Jose Castaneda



    Understandable. I would ask your hosting company if they are able to help you out with that. Sorry I couldn’t be of much other help for ya. ??



    For others having this issue:

    This plugin is a huge file. Your hosting company could have limited the maximum size for an upload.
    WordPress install depends on having all room for this size.

    If you run into trouble when trying to install via WordPress you now know what the problem can be.

    You can always install by FTP.

    If you don’t know what FTP is, or don’t know your FTP credentials, contact your provider with the above info.

    I believe one of the main problem here is how the plugin is being committed to the SVN.

    From what I can tell the folder structure is incorrect. It appears that the format is: styles+plugin files/folders ?trunk+plugin files/folders ?tags+versions ?branches ?assets(empty).

    The actual structure should be: styles ?trunk+plugin files/folders ?tags+version folders+plus plugin files/folders ?branches ?assets+screenshots – this structure will create the plugin folder(styles) in the SVN and populate it with the plugin files from trunk. SVN will pull screenshots from assets for display in the repository.

    What the above will achieve is remove the screenshots and the trunk folder from the downloaded/install zip file making it much smaller in size therefore eliminating the issue most users are having when trying to install it. In addition this will also eliminate the error “The plugin does not have a valid header” issue encountered upon activation.

    Hope that helps in trying to address these issues to make the end user experience that little bit better.




    Hello, I had this plug in and I loved it. But, I installed cache plug-ins and lost functionality. I removed the cache plug ins and tried to reactivate. Did not work. Said activated… but no functionality in “Customize”.

    I went into MyPHP… deleted out of there… went to reinstall.

    Now, the Styles plug in says, “The plugin does not have a valid header.” and I cannot reinstall it.

    Thank you,


    Plugin Author Paul Clark


    Hi everyone,

    Zulfikar is correct that the issue was with a folder being located in the wrong place in the most recent version of Styles hosted on This has been corrected. If you delete Styles via WP Admin > Plugins > Styles > Deactivate/Delete, then reinstall from WP Admin > Plugins > Add New, it should work now.



    Thank you!



    Hi Paul,

    I did delete Styles and reinstall. I was still having a problem with Styles and GetConversion Mailpoet Ex plus GetConversion and Styles conflicting. It may be that the conflict is on their side of things.

    But, if I hit “Customize” when those two GC plug-ins are active, your plug-in loses all functionality. So, then, what I do is, I disable those two, do the work I want to do, then reactivate the 2 GC plug-ins… and all is well. So, I can work around it. But an FYI for you.

    My website is at (Check out that page if you want. I am doing the front page with a different look than other pages… check out this product sales page: Maybe no one else loves it, but I love it. ?? I could not have done without your plug-in.

    (I am creating different looks for different pages which I can do with your product… and I’m still working on color coordination and design of “page looks”. I’m not done with the site yet.)

    Pardon the slow load times if you take a look, I’ll work on cache, minify, compression, etc. once I get design done.

    I am just setting up my ebook sales. If/when my books sells… I plan going to go down my plug in list and donate to the developers (or buy their add-ons) to thank those who helped me get started.

    This plug in is just great. I couldn’t have designed my “look without it”.

    Thank you again.

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