
    I’m trying to link simple products to a grouped product, but I get no products in the grouped product pull-down (entering text in the search box returns nothing).

    Settings/versions are:

    WordPress 4.3.1 running New-Commerce theme
    Woocommerce Version 2.4.10
    Blog/post: https://MyWebSite/sample-post/
    Product: https://MyWebSite/product/sample-product/
    Permalink: https://MyWebSite/product/mygroupedproduct/
    Permalink: https://MyWebSite/product/mysimpleproduct/


    Simple product is marked in-stock, and hidden in catalog visibility

    Any idea on why the simple products can’t “see” the grouped product?


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  • Plugin Contributor royho


    Make sure the grouped product you’re searching for is indeed set as a group product. Also check your browser console to see if you’re seeing any JS errors which could prevent your search from working.

    Thread Starter GRAVELBIKEcom


    The grouped product is set as a group product.

    I activated a different theme, and am able to successfully link to the grouped product. Would much rather use the new-commerce theme (especially since I paid for it), though.

    Plugin Contributor royho


    Well that would mean you’re indeed having some type of JS error. I would suggest you contact the author of the theme you’re using to fix this for you.

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