• I deactivated S2Member yesterday and activated Paid Memberships Pro because of its drip content feature.

    However, this morning on trying to log in I cannot access my dashboard, I get the following error.

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    I automatically thought the issue was with PMPro, as I was technically logged in but just couldn’t gain accerss to my dashboard, I was able to access my backend via another saved url and deactivate this plugin also.

    The said issue did not resolve, so I decided to reactivate S2Member which did resolve the issue.

    Does this mean that if I deactivate S2member I can’t get access to my dashboard anymore? Please help – do I have to turn off the deactivate safeguard measures?



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  • OK, if that doesn’t work, here is a tutorial on how to create a new admin user.

    Frankly, it should be a piece of cake for a good host but, if they give you access to phpMyAdmin, you should be able to do it yourself if they can’t restore your old database.

    Otherwise, you can point GoDaddy to it!

    Thanks! I actually did try creating a new Admin but it didn’t work. GoDaddy tried as well. I don’t know why this wouldn’t work.

    Then I don’t think this has anything to do with s2Member. In fact, it’s quite probably been caused by something outside WordPress altogether.

    Whatever has apparently corrupted your database is much more likely to be a more fundamental process. Does GoDaddy keep proper logs, so that you can see everything that has happened to your installation (not just to WordPress) over the last week or so?

    GoDaddy keeps a 4-day running emergency backup. I don’t know about logs.

    This all happened the microsecond I deactivated the S2Member plugin. I know you are down on GoDaddy but until I figure anything else out, I am blaming S2Member. I am not the first person this has happened to. Please see:


    As of 53 hours after hiring a developer to fix the problem, it still isn’t fixed.

    Blame who you like, but reference to a three-year-old thread isn’t in the slightest persuasive in the absence of a catalog of similar complaints.

    Then may I blame the plugin whose deactivation broke my site?

    I didn’t start this thread — it is 8 months old. Here are a few others:

    Here is something I just found:


    I am going to try it.

    Actually I can’t try it out because I can’t get in to install the plugin. I sent the link to the GoDaddy developer.

    Then may I blame the plugin whose deactivation broke my site?

    As I said, you can blame who you like. But that reasoning is no better than the previous one. After all, the theme or plugin that creates a conflict is not necessarily the one that causes the problem to manifest itself.

    And, let’s be honest, there’s been a litany of complaints about GoDaddy’s WordPress hosting. Even GoDaddy themselves have publicly admitted as much, and recently re-launched their WordPress offering to much fanfare with the promise that they’d be doing things differently from now on.

    But, if they keep a log of changes to your site, it should be much easier to identify the problem. And, if they don’t keep a log, they really shouldn’t be hosting at all.

    I will check about the logs though I suspect that is the first thing the developer looked at.

    As much as I would like to blame someone, I agree that I cannot know what combination of variables may have led to the crash. It happened on deactivation of S2Member and so I suspect some kind of incompatibility between S2Member and some other program.

    I just heard from S2Member. They say:

    Hi John,

    s2Member does not restrict access to the WordPress Dashboard for administrators. If you deleted the s2Member folders from the plugins directory, then s2Member as been fully deactivated and it is not affecting any part of your site. If you are unable to login with the s2Member plugin folders deleted, then there is something other than s2Member causing this issue.

    You might want to try deleting all folders from your wp-content/plugins/ directory, in case some other WordPress plugin is causing this issue. Otherwise, you’ll need to work with your web hosting company to resolve this, as they can look at the server logs to find out exactly why you’re being denied access.

    So, their advise mirrors yours, and I am no further along than when I started.


    UPDATE: I was able to get into the site by visiting the following URL:


    and logging in through the plugins. However, if I try to log in here:


    to access my dashboard, I get the error:

    “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    I can not access the main dashboard link, nor edit my admin profile when S2Member is off. That is also will all other plugins disabled.

    However, when I reactivate S2Member, suddenly I have access again. This really seems to be an issue with the S2Member plugin.

    Version 150311 + s2Member Pro v150311 | By s2Member / WebSharks, Inc.

    OK now that I am back in, I am able fix the administrative capabilities that S2Member and bbPress broke as is explained here:


    I had to install a plugin called “Advanced Access Manager,” create a super-user, and then give my site administrators the “read” capability that bbPress and S2Member had stripped.

    So you are using multisite. Why didn’t you say so?

    I’m not using a multisite.

    With newer versions of Advanced Access Manager, the creation of a super-user is necessary in order to make changes to administrative roles. They call it a super-user even though it is just an administrative capability on a single site.

    Oh, I see! That’s interesting! Thanks for the explanation.

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