Hi @nulifemultimedia,
If you have renamed login page url that should be used to login. If you have forgot then aio_wp_security_configs
option name of wp_options
table will have it value as aiowps_login_page_slug
In extra of remove the plugins files /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall,
tables start with {tableprefix}_aiowps needs to removed also remove from wp_options having “aio”
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%aio%'
Please also remove from .htaccess all code between,
“BEGIN All In One WP Security”
“END All In One WP Security”
Also make sure that wp-config.php. , htaccess, .user.ini file in root of the wordpress installed directory do not include the aios-bootstrap.php
and remove aios-bootstrap.php from the same folder you have wp-config.php
Also remove the wp-content\uploads\aios\firewall-rules\settings.php
and wp-content\uploads\aios\firewall-rules\allowlist.php
Let me know if still any issue.