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  • I have similar problem. I can’t login.
    I had WP 1.5. Upgrade to latest nightly didn’t help.
    Deleting cookies and changing password in mysql didn’t help either.
    My host is openbsd+apache so the IIS problem should not affect it.
    What to do??? :[

    >> mysql -V
    mysql Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for unknown-openbsd3.5 (i386)
    >> php -v
    PHP 4.3.11 (cli) (built: Apr 2 2005 20:32:18)

    ok, I’ve sorted it out – my host admin helped me to change the password – I guess I made some mistakes while using commandline mysql…
    but I still don’t know what was the cause…

    I can’t login neither. Whenever I try to login, the server returns a blank page. The same thing happens when someone subcribes to my blog. I have already tried everything that has been posted ealier, with no success.
    My site is running on Php 4.3.4 (Apache 1.3.29 ) using MySql 4.0.7.

    Can someone help me please, Here is my blog:

    Oh.. I forgot to add that I have WordPress 1.5 installed.

    Thanks for your help!

    I would delete everything inside the /wp-admin folder then reupload being sure that it transfers in ASCII mode.

    I had a similar issue and the following took care of it
    (the initial fix)

    My understanding is that fix on simmons consulting page applies to those running the IIS server. I have already tried just to see if it could fix my problem, but it didn’t. I am really frustrated right now.

    I’ve also deleted and re-uploded all the files in my admin folder.
    Still, no success…

    I would like to thank all those who helped me. After several sleepless nights trying to figure out what went wrong, I just decided to unintall and reinstallthe whole WP software. I am now wery reluctant to install any plugins. I am crossing my fingers. It will be useless to have a blog software installed that you can’t use. I am however confident that the developpers will find a definitive fix for the problem, and not only some partial fix.
    Thanks again.

    I’m having the same problem: just can’t log in as admin.

    Install worked fine, and when I tried to log as admin with the password it gave me, just didn’t move. If I try to log in as admin with a wrong password, it advices me, but if I write the correct one it just get “hanged”, waiting and waiting but with no results.

    Sometimes I even can’t use wp-login.php or wp-admin (hang too), whereas other pages work. Tried to upload and reinstall the blog form zero, but also didn’t work.

    The server run:
    Php 4.3.10 (safemode on , register globals off)
    Mysql 4.0.42
    Apache 2.0.54
    Wordpress 1.5 – Strayhorn (downloaded yesterday from the official link)

    Any idea of what can be wrong?

    Wow, I have seen it ACTUALLY log-in as admin, because I can post a comment as Administrator user, so the problem is that can’t enter to the administration side. It gets me confused :S

    I start to figure what’s wrong. The fact is that I log-in, and I can see the administrator side, but I have to wait TWO MINUTES to enter. Once inside, the dashboard is empty.

    If I log on my local machine, and block the connections of the dashboard, it also delay a bit (not so much as 2 full minutes), but if the connections aren’t blocked the login is faster.

    I’m starting to think the problem is related to the dashboard, when wordpress is waiting for data that never arrives. Am I on the correct way? How could the dashboard be removed to test it?

    I’ve found this post for the trouble with the dashboard. Hope it’ll be useful for those who have the same problem.

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