• I’ve had a problem with my wordpress for “kingofrpgs.com” ever since I accidentally allowed my domain forwarding to expire on Monday. (The site is hosted at https://www.sonic.net/~jason/kingofrpgs.com/ , but I have domain forwarding & masking from godaddy).

    Nothing has changed on the actual wordpress end — I haven’t modified any files. But, as soon as the domain forwarding expired and was restarted, I have had consistent problems. Most worrisomely, I haven’t been able to login (at https://www.kingofrpgs.com/wp-admin/ ). When I try to log in, it just reloads the same screen. When I hit “Lost My Password,” it takes me to the password retrieval screen, but when I enter the password, again, it just reloads the same screen without doing anything.

    Also, all the images which were originally linked to as “kingofrpgs.com/(something)” are broken. (Such as the sidebar of images on the left side of kingofrpgs.com.)

    I can only assume that this has something to do with the way the domain forwarding and masking (’cause I don’t want site viewers to see the whole long sonic.net URL) was restarted. It’s had plenty of time to repropagate, so that’s not the problem. I called godaddy but they were unable to figure out what was going on — the guy I talked to doesn’t know anything about wordpress.

    Does anyone have any ideas? I’m pretty green with this sort of thing, so it was a triumph to get the blog up in the first place, but now that it’s not working I don’t know where to start.

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  • Hi, did you figure this out? I did forwarding with masking last week with Godaddy and now have the same problem. I can’t login to my wordpress at all. I don’t see any response to your question. If you figured this out on your own, can you please tell me what to do…. as you know, NO one at Godaddy knows what to do with WordPress. Thanks!

    Moderator James Huff


    If you didn’t change the two URL values in Settings/General before forwarding the domain, you’ll have to manually change them in the database. Follow this guide:


    I followed those instructions first before masking. Website shows up perfectly, but i cant login to my WP. I rechecked the data base & it’s all correct according to those intructions. please help

    I am having the exact same problem at midphase — I changed the site url from masterpractice.mbactivation.com to masterpractice.com by changing the subdomain setup in the midphase control panel. The files have not been moved on the server. This is wp 3.1.

    As outlined in numerous places, using phpMyAdmin I changed siteurl & home in the options table to match the real url, and even went in and changed all the post and comment URLs.

    The site displays perfectly but I can’t log in. The other sites in the network I can log in to just fine. Anybody got a hint?

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