• Hello,
    I get an error when I try to login to one of my websites
    (the website is accessible though):

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING …

    First it was in a file in a plugin, so via FTP I changed the name of the plugin folder to deactivate it,
    then it was with another plugin, so I changed the names of the plugins folder altogether,

    it then made the same error with my theme,
    I then changed the name of my theme folder,
    then the page is totally blank

    I restored the database from 10 days ago: still the same
    I uploaded the latest version of wordpress : still the same

    Could you help me?
    I have no idea what was done to the website to make these errors…

    Thanks for your help

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  • Thread Starter vincentleleux


    thank you, these urls are absolutely correct.

    give me your siteurl and homeurl values that you have changed. because both should be in https://healingcreativity.com format

    Thread Starter vincentleleux


    the issue is not there, it has been working for years that way… the website is in a subfolder named healingcreativity.com . so that works.

    tell me what could cause any issue with that?

    ok so https://healingcreativity.com/healingcreativity.com/ is your front end is it? can you change sub folder name to healingcreativity only, And open /home4/julietjc/public_html/healingcreativity.com/wp-content/themes/HealingCreativityChildTheme/lib/admin/theme-settings.php file and see any syntax is missing or IF ELSE condition is properly ended or not.

    Thread Starter vincentleleux


    No it’s not my front end. https://healingcreativity.com is

    I cannot change the name of the folder as I can’t access the admin to reflect that change.

    below is the function the error is referring to – line 457 is the second one : $page_id = ‘genesis’;

    I don’t know anything to php so I don’t know what it means.

    Thank you for your help

    function __construct() {
    		$page_id = 'genesis';
    		$menu_ops = apply_filters(
    				'main_menu' => array(
    					'sep' => array(
    						'sep_position'   => '58.995',
    						'sep_capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
    					'page_title' => 'Theme Settings',
    					'menu_title' => 'Genesis',
    					'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
    					'icon_url'   => PARENT_URL . '/images/favicon.png',
    					'position'   => '58.996',
    				'first_submenu' => array( /** Do not use without 'main_menu' */
    					'page_title' => __( 'Theme Settings', 'genesis' ),
    					'menu_title' => __( 'Theme Settings', 'genesis' ),
    					'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    this is function __construct() {} , Have you paste complete code of __construct() function here, because end of the function ” } ” is not showing here. thanks

    Thread Starter vincentleleux


    This is the complete function :

    function __construct() {
    		$page_id = 'genesis';
    		$menu_ops = apply_filters(
    				'main_menu' => array(
    					'sep' => array(
    						'sep_position'   => '58.995',
    						'sep_capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
    					'page_title' => 'Theme Settings',
    					'menu_title' => 'Genesis',
    					'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
    					'icon_url'   => PARENT_URL . '/images/favicon.png',
    					'position'   => '58.996',
    				'first_submenu' => array( /** Do not use without 'main_menu' */
    					'page_title' => __( 'Theme Settings', 'genesis' ),
    					'menu_title' => __( 'Theme Settings', 'genesis' ),
    					'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
    		$page_ops = apply_filters(
    				'screen_icon'       => 'options-general',
    				'save_button_text'  => __( 'Save Settings', 'genesis' ),
    				'reset_button_text' => __( 'Reset Settings', 'genesis' ),
    				'saved_notice_text' => __( 'Settings saved.', 'genesis' ),
    				'reset_notice_text' => __( 'Settings reset.', 'genesis' ),
    				'error_notice_text' => __( 'Error saving settings.', 'genesis' ),
    		$settings_field = GENESIS_SETTINGS_FIELD;
    		$default_settings = apply_filters(
    				'update'                    => 1,
    				'blog_title'                => 'text',
    				'header_right'              => 0,
    				'site_layout'               => genesis_get_default_layout(),
    				'nav'                       => 1,
    				'nav_superfish'             => 1,
    				'nav_extras_enable'         => 0,
    				'nav_extras'                => 'date',
    				'nav_extras_twitter_id'     => '',
    				'nav_extras_twitter_text'   => __( 'Follow me on Twitter', 'genesis' ),
    				'subnav'                    => 0,
    				'subnav_superfish'          => 1,
    				'feed_uri'                  => '',
    				'comments_feed_uri'         => '',
    				'redirect_feeds'            => 0,
    				'comments_pages'            => 0,
    				'comments_posts'            => 1,
    				'trackbacks_pages'          => 0,
    				'trackbacks_posts'          => 1,
    				'breadcrumb_home'           => 0,
    				'breadcrumb_front_page'     => 0,
    				'breadcrumb_posts_page'     => 0,
    				'breadcrumb_single'         => 0,
    				'breadcrumb_page'           => 0,
    				'breadcrumb_archive'        => 0,
    				'breadcrumb_404'            => 0,
    				'breadcrumb_attachment'		=> 0,
    				'content_archive'           => 'full',
    				'content_archive_thumbnail' => 0,
    				'posts_nav'                 => 'older-newer',
    				'blog_cat'                  => '',
    				'blog_cat_exclude'          => '',
    				'blog_cat_num'              => 10,
    				'header_scripts'            => '',
    				'footer_scripts'            => '',
    				'theme_version'             => PARENT_THEME_VERSION,
    				'db_version'                => PARENT_DB_VERSION,
    		$this->create( $page_id, $menu_ops, $page_ops, $settings_field, $default_settings );
    		add_action( 'genesis_settings_sanitizer_init', array( $this, 'sanitizer_filters' ) );
    Thread Starter vincentleleux


    I have changed the theme via PhpMyadmin and now it is making another error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PRIVATE in /home4/julietjc/public_html/healingcreativity.com/wp-admin/custom-header.php on line 506

    What could I do ?

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