• I’m new to WordPress so I installed MAMP on my MacBook Air so I could learn without going live on the internet.

    Everything was going great. Since installing MAMP I had not shut down my Mac. I believe the following problem occurred after I restarted:

    After launching the MAMP application, I can’t login to the Dashboard. It loads with error 404; it says: “This page doesn’t seem to exist.”

    The pages I created will load in my browser, but I can’t edit them (I created the pages with Elementor Pro).

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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  • Hi

    Do you mean that site_url/wp-admin is not showing the login screen for you? Did you try login through site_url/wp-login.php?

    Thread Starter leswini


    Hi thanks for your reply.

    That’s correct, “site”/wp-login.php
    And “site”/wp-admin/index.php

    Both return the same page, which reads:
    This page doesn’t seem to exist.
    It looks like the link pointing here was faulty. Maybe try searching?

    Can you please check in phpMyAdmin if site_url and home options(_options table) have your site URL as the value?

    Thread Starter leswini


    Yes, the value for both is:

    I don’t know if the following will help…

    When I load “localhost:8888/MAMP”
    In my browser and click on “MY WEBSITE”

    I get a page that shows “Index of /
    And lists all the folders located in my “Sites” folder, which includes “site_url” folder.

    My MAMP application is located in the “Applications” folder.

    The “readme” says “put your HTML and PHP files in the htdocs folder”

    My htdocs folder is empty. I tried putting the “site_url” folder in htdocs, but that didn’t help.

    Thanks for your reply!

    My htdocs folder is empty.

    Where’s your WordPress folder installed then? Initially, when you downloaded the WordPress folder where did you put that?

    There’s a guide https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Installing_WordPress_Locally_on_Your_Mac_With_MAMP which you can follow.

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