• Resolved dennis_n


    I am thinking that the CSV import is looking for specific name fields such as “prop_title”,”prop_price”,”prop_bedrooms”,”prop_bathrooms”,”prop_floors”,”prop_area”,”prop_lotsize”,”prop_builtin”,”prop_description”

    But the csv export i received from the local MLS had none of those.
    What exactly is the standard for that CSV file? What is the procedure for creating it?

    I obviously tried to import a csv file I exported from a property listing on MLS and it didn’t do anything.


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  • Plugin Author Estatik


    Hi Dennis,
    Had already replied via email and will do here for anyone else who has the same questions.
    We do not offer CSV import for import from MLS website. We offer MLS integration service for this. The point is that the plugin doesn’t have MLS fields (there can be hundreds of them) and we need to modify the code to make the import possible.
    The procedure of using CSV import can be found here >>
    Estatik Support

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