• Cant post, Cant save, Cant moderate comments.

    What would be causing this? Is it a database problem? Permissions?

    Sorry for createing a new thread but I want to make my problem clear and make it easy for anyone running into the same problem.

    -I have restored my backup and ran upgrade.php
    -I have deleted everything on the server and restored
    -I can see the site.
    -I havent deliberatly changed my blog settings.
    -I have deleted the plugin directory and tried it without that.
    -my plugins were turned off when I restored.
    -i have my permissions checked.

    -I get a 500 internal server error when it fails.
    -I have contacted my host in order to look at the server files.

    Anyone know anything else I could do? I’m lost and frustrated. Any tip at all would be great.

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  • wyst


    I also have this problem, and am just as frustrated as everyone else. What I find strange is that for a while, this problem did not exist at all, and suddenly it does, and will not go away.

    One other problem I’m finding is that WordPress will not log me out when I click the link. It simply puts me on the main dashboard page, still logged in.

    These are the things I’ve tried so far to see where it can get me:
    – disabled and uninstalled plugins
    – reinstalled tinymce fresh from 2.1 (this worked for about 5 minutes.)
    – tried using the patch found here
    *- installed tinymce from the previous release of WordPress
    *- cleared browser cache
    *- cleared cookies
    *- updated java and cleared java cache

    * Acts of pure desperation

    Nothing works yet. I’m about to try to roll back to the previous WordPress version, because this issue is keeping me from using my site.



    I tinkered around some more and managed to fix my installation.
    I worked on this at a different computer than the one I normally use, so I’m waiting to see if this is an actual resolution for my issue, or if it’s simply the browser I’m using.

    This is what I can remember doing in this order:

    1. Disabled WYSIWYG editor in wordpress
    2. Disabled all plugins (I have some that change the write page.)
    3. Checked and changed file permisions for all files and folders in wordpress, including the main index.php. Even if the folder looked correct, I just confirmed the CHMOD settings, anyway. Upgrading might have changed something on my hosts’s server.
    4. Changed CHMOD for post.php and post-new.php to -rw-r–r– (I noticed that they were different from the rest of the files in the folder.)
    5. Changed the main blog address in wordpress from “https://www.mydomain.com” to “https://www.mydomain.com/index.php”
    6. Activated WYSIWYG editor and ctrl-F5’d the write page. *success!* Tried logging out and back in. *success*
    7. Activated plugins. No problems, there.

    After doing this, it took a little longer than normal to load the write page but at least it worked.

    Looking back at the file permissions, I might have changed the CHMOD of the tinyMCE folder, but I can’t remember what it was before messing with it, or if I ever changed it back. right now, the main tinyMCE folder is at drwxrwxr-x, all the folders in that folder are at drwxr-xr-x, all the individual files in it are -rw-r–r–. I didn’t touch the subfolders at all.

    This may be normal. But I’m not certain, right now.

    The tiny_mce_gzip patch was not being used when I managed to get it to work.

    I also remember making .htaccess visibe in my ftp program in order to check its file persmissions, but I doubt this had anything to do with fixing the error.

    I’ll come back with an update on this after I see if it’s going to stick.



    It’s been a day, and nothing seems to have gone wrong, yet. I’m considering my own blog fixed on this issue.

    is this bug already reported? I have a couple of user complaining about this. does only happen in newest WordPress versions (2.1) not the older one (2.0).

    hey Wyst..i did like what you’ve posted..seems to be working for me..so far..

    Check and see if you logged in on another machine. As soon as a logged out of my other PC I was able to edit the post box on my laptop.

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