• Andrea



    I just got my site working after accidentally breaking it trying to delete the multiuser network (to fix it I re-added the code that I’d deleted from wp-config), then deleted the .htaccess file when the public-facing site was requesting a log in). It appears that a backup version of the site was restored – from around the time I created the network – but it’s not properly working yet.

    All of my pages appear in my dashboard. I can edit pages. I can preview and view my home page. But…

    1. Any other pages that I edit can’t be previewed. I get a “page not found” error.

    2. When I create new versions of those pages the preview works and the page name appears on the menu in the public view (including a new page I created, so it’s not just old content) but clicking on menu items results in a “page not found” error. Odd that the page names are making it to the server but the server doesn’t see the page.

    The actual error:

    The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons:

    1. You are the owner of this web site and you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information.
    2. The URL that you have entered in your browser is incorrect. Please re-enter the URL and try again.
    3. The Link that you clicked on incorrectly points to this page. Please contact the owner of this web site to inform them of this situation.

    I’ve looked at the file list in Filezilla and compared it to the file list in my other websites and blogs and don’t see anything out of the ordinary (not that this means there isn’t). Any ideas?


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  • My first concern is with the mention of restoring from backups. As a rule, any restore that does not restore both the WordPress database and the WordPress files from backups at roughly the same moment in time, can create a WordPress site that will not work properly.

    Thread Starter Andrea


    So what now? Is there another way?

    I also just discovered that a new plugin I installed on the network doesn’t appear on the site’s plugin list. The problem began because months ago I’d installed a Multiuser network for the sake of a staging site (I really should have just created a new WP database – learned that shortly after I installed it), then recently I decided to nix the network and go back to one site, then a second DB on which to create a staging site.

    “I also just discovered that a new plugin I installed on the network doesn’t appear on the site’s plugin list.” – this may be because a Network-activated plugin does not appear on a single site’s Plugin page. Not sure the specifics of your situation.

    As for the backup problem, I was suggesting that you do a “correct” restore from the most appropriately timed backup(s) that you can find where both the files and database are from about the same time.

    Thread Starter Andrea


    You’re correct about the plugin.
    As for restoring, I did that when I re-enabled the network because it suggested that I repair & optimize the database. Might I have to do some repairs from phpMyAdmin?

    I should also mention that when I deleted the multiuser network I also deleted the staging site (second database). Before I did anything else I exported the site as an XML file hoping that this would save me if I ran into trouble. Regardless, the problems publishing new pages would be a separate issue I think. Or not.

    My first post was merely to ensure that you understood that a backup and restore operation is only “valid” if both database and files are “done”. It now appears as if you were doing that correctly, so that was my only point there.

    That out of the way, if I concentrate on your originally stated problem, and assuming I understand it correctly, I now ask myself if it is even possible to convert a Network (“Multisite” WordPress) back to a single site. I couldn’t find any discussion of the subject.

    If that indeed is your original concern, I would suggest asking that specific question in this forum: https://www.ads-software.com/support/forum/multisite

    While I understand that your problem is publishing new pages, if you have converted a Network/Multisite to a single site WordPress, and the problem is occurring with that site, who knows what bad things will start happening if WordPress Multisite was never designed to be converted (back to) single site.

    Thread Starter Andrea


    From what I’ve read it is possible to convert back to a single site, but because I broke it trying to do that I went back to using a network (it was a line of code that I added back in to the wp-config file).

    I think I referred to these threads when I was looking to disable the network:
    https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/undo-network-feature?replies=17 (I didn’t drop any tables.)

    Maybe I should copy my query over to the multisite forum. Now that I’m ready sites over there again it seems that I might be able to extrapolate an answer.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Coming over from Multisite land.

    You can indeed undo multisite. https://wpmututorials.com/how-to/how-to-disable-multisite/ is the best direction.

    You should drop the tables, change the wp-config, and the .htaccess. Did it just this morning ??

    Thread Starter Andrea


    I just did all that, tried to log into my dashboard and was told “authentication required”. Having done this previously, I know this is related to .htaccess. So, just to check, I renamed .htaccess to keep it accessible but out of the way. The result:

    Error establishing database connection

    If your site does not display, please contact the owner of this network. If you are the owner of this network please check that MySQL is running properly and all tables are error free.

    Could not find site [url]. Searched for table wp_blogs in database mak0931507220478. Is that right?

    What do I do now? Read the bug report page. Some of the guidelines there may help you figure out what went wrong. If you’re still stuck with this message, then check that your database contains the following tables:


    – i.e., that tables that I dropped. “[url]” is where I removed the URL when I posted it above. The URL appears in the actual message.

    Will that go away?

    Also, the .htaccess file looks like this:

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName “User Backups”
    AuthUserFile /home/content/63/5001063/html/stats/.statspwd
    require valid-user
    Options +Indexes\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

    The AuthName has seemed like a problem since the last time I attempted this.


    You have web-server authentication running on your hosting? First of all turn that off…

    make a copy of your .htaccess, and create a blank one, and try to access your site again.

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