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  • Hi Thomas,

    This sounds like a possible jQuery conflict caused by your theme or another plugin. To check if it is, can you test with all other plugins deactivated and while running the default WordPress theme?

    Hi caimin_nwl,
    I have the same trouble of Thomas,
    I can’t puplish the events just only draft status for them

    I have this configuration: WordPress 4.2.4 running Avada theme 3.7.3

    I have deactived all my plugin and change in fourtheen theme but not have any effect

    still the same issue

    any suggestion?

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter qwertz27


    Hi … nope no jQuery conflict. tested it all. It seems like i have to assign a location or it goes to draft mode. even when i say that this is not needed…

    For publishing an event, event date and event venue need to be set. You can make event virtual by checking ‘This event does not have a physical location.’ option, if event does not have location.

    Hi WisdmLabs, Yes i true, I have realized that in my admin event page don’t save any details about location even set “This event does not have a physical location. ” when I am going to save the page return with all field lacation empty and checkbox anchecked.
    It seems It is no able to write any details about loacations on db !!!

    @andreamaio Can you give a step by step guide to how you get this problem? Thanks.

    Hi guys, since the WP update 4.3 I’m unable to publish events either. I tried deactivating all the plugins, switching back to twentyfourteen and the problem still occurring.

    I really need help on this!

    Thank you!

    Are you either publishing the event with a location or selecting “This event does not have a physical location”?

    I’m having the same issue. Yes selected no physical location. It is NOT that.

    I had a similar issue this week. It seems that Events Manager 5.6 on WordPress 4.3 does not like smileys. I’ve removed the smiley from my text, clicked Update and the status changed from Draft to Published.

    HA!! THAT is exactly the problem! THANK YOU… wow… weird.

    Anonymous User 14251521


    I”m also having this problem after installing events manager today.

    I am entering a physical location, but after hitting Publish (which is only being saved as a draft), all my location information is not being saved.

    I have not yet entered any text anywhere, so have no smiley which may be causing the problem.

    All I have is the event date, location and ticket types.

    From the events page in the admin console, I have tried selecting ‘Quick Edit’ for each event which allows me to select Publish.
    After doing this and updating, then refreshing the actual events page on the website, there are no results returned.
    I refresh the events page in the admin console and everything has gone back to draft.


    EDIT – I’ve also just noticed it’s only saving my locations as drafts too, so I’m having the same one each time manually for a new event

    I was having this issue as well. I did not have any smiley faces in my event’s text content, however the location address fields were empty and I did not select “This event does not have a physical location.”

    When I selected “This event does not have a physical location.” and published the event – then the status was changed to ‘Published’ and I was able to see my event in my event listings.

    One would think that an empty event location would automatically select “This event does not have a physical location.”

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