• I am having problems publishing Pages and Posts. My most frequent error message is:

    Your attempt to edit this page: “About” has failed.

    Please try again.

    I get this message when I am trying to save a page or post. If I am attempting to publish the error message is the same except replace the word edit with publish.

    I am using WordPress 2.5 and the default theme. I have only changed the header and footer. Nothing else.

    Any ideas?

    My blog is https://www.srww.com/blog

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  • Keilya


    How about plugins? Tried disabling them?


    Work backwards.

    Try running WordPress without your modifications to the header and footer to verify that the software is working correctly with your database. Then make your modifications one at a time and test them to see what you’re doing to break the software.

    I’ve been having this intermittent problem myself and across the three blogs that I have upgraded so far. I have noticed that when I get this message, the post is thrown into draft status. It would be hard to nail down a common plugin as the problem since it has been intermittent for me.

    Anyone got through this? I’m getting this error from a fresh WP install. I can’t post anything. It keeps coming back with the message “Your attempt to edit this page/post: “whatever” has failed. Please try again.”.

    Help, please.

    Ok, finally figured out. WP’s autosave feature is messed up. I got it working after I disabled it.

    Open up /wp-admin/post-new.php in your text editor and comment the line


    so that it looks like the following


    Save it. Done. Hope it helps other people out there.

    nope, still didn’t fix my problem. I don’t get any error messages or anything, it just will not simply publish any pages. i have no clue why, i changed nothing and it was just working a few days ago.

    any help is much appreciated:)

    I had similar problems:

    I’d changed my site’s url, restored the database, and then wasn’t able to save / edit pages or posts (it just went to the site homepage with no changes made)

    This .htaccess fix in wp-admin did the trick for me, and it’s working again:

    juliohm: Thank you! just as an fyi for others with this same problem:
    I got the same error too with publishing pages and not posts.
    I had to coment out the wp_enqueue_script(‘autosave’); line with the file:
    page-new.php(instead of post-new.php)

    it worked like a charm. thank you!

    Thanks Juliohm, solved my problem AND the annoying auto-save that was really starting to piss me off. Constantly working on a mobile connection I don’t want this kind of delaying behavior anyways.

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