Can't Push
Sorry for being dense, but I’m pulling my hair out on this one.
I’m a Git newbie as well ??
This is a brand new WordPress install.
Here is the Help screen Revisr settings.
Operating System Linux
Exec() Enabled true
Git Install Path /usr/bin/git
Git Version git version 1.9.1
MySQL Install Path /opt/bitnami/mysql/bin/mysql
File Permissions false
Repository Path /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs
Repository Status Click here to view.I installed git and initialized it.
The error I get is: Error pushing changes to the remote repository.
Here are the Error Details:
fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.What I’ve done.
1) Installed Revisr
2) Entered the username and email. The same as the Github repository.
3) I have Github with a repo on it with just a Readme. I’ve setup the SSH keys, and tested them per the instructions they work.
4) On the Remote Tab: I left the Remote name as origin. I entered in my SSH from Github: [email protected]:[name]/[directory].git
5) Added: define( ‘REVISR_GIT_PATH’, ‘/usr/bin/git’ ); to the wp-config.php
6) Set the .git directory from 775 to 777 (thinking this might clear the file permissions problem).
7) Tried deleting and reinstalling the Revisr plugin. The data remained, so it didn’t really reset anything. ??
8) I committed a change from the command line on the WordPress server to test that repository.Question:
1) I don’t understand why the file permissions reads “false”. This obviously doesn’t sound good.
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